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Tf did I just watch
Heheh, a masterpiece
God has left us with a reason. A good actual reason.
I was horny till my boner start walking away
what the fucking fuck in the fuckity fuck fuck is this fucking fuckery
came in expecting porn ended up confused
So the entire porn was just comical statutory rape?
Yeah im klling myself
what if truck drivers were FREAKY
To anyone confused and weirded out by this, know that the director for this also directed Dye Fantasy (That one anime music video with 4 teens sneaking in a Pool) and a well received Animated show called Last Man.
What tf did I just watch I'm so confused what the hell was this
i hate how well animated this shit is
Hey duke ik your on this alot take out the trash alright?
Love mom-
At least she died quickly enough to not know the ending to Andrew Tate's fantasies.
this is from 14 years ago crazy
The fuck did just watch
If y'all seriously don't know about truckers delight you don't deserve internet at this point
it came out like 14 years ago
i really think this video shouldnt be the one were judging people on not knowing
Welp, that's it for humanity. We're doomed.
This felt more funny than horny
Which isn't good for a porno if no porn
This is not ok.
that was so random