After the first melon is crushed, there are 14 more added to the picture. This means if we take an average weight of a melon with around 2 kilograms, both of them had around 11 seconds to transport 7 melons each. That doesn't sound reasonable, if we consider that it wouldn't be common to send a melon through this universes equivalent of a post office, if a melon store would be nearby. This means they already had melons at the fitness studio, because if they could get to their home in that time, they could just get a knife to open the melon or use their speed they to achieve their goal in another way. But how did the melons get to the fitness studio, and if there where melons the whole time, why did someone send them one? Melons do have a monetary value and no one would waste one without a solid reason. And why does the fitness studio have melons, but doesn’t provide a way to open it? And why do they have perfectly cut slices in the end? I don’t know, dear reader. If you know an answer to my question please enlighten me, my friend.
I don't understand why the melon started to steam. There was no friction or any way to insert heat into the melon by just the thighs. Adding pressure and the estimated body temperature of the character, it's reasonable to assume that there's no way that's possible. I'm assuming it's just a plain old Watermelon, then the estimated density for its shell is about 0 98 g/cm3 which is almost identical to Water.
Well, we have to remember that we're talking about the shell, not the inside. If you remember that when temperature rises, the density changes too. A prime example is water. We know that when it gets colder, its density increases, becoming ice and via versa becoming steam. Since Water is the best example for this, we can somewhat reduce the fluid inside the Watermelon and compare it to water, hence the density comparison. We have to note that, even if the person was able to put heat through the melon's rind, which is harder than it sounds, it would not be possible for it to evaporate. Especially when water needs to have a temperature of at least 100 °C. While yes, it is technically possible for the pressure to create or increase heat, it's not humanly possible for us to create about 100 °C with the power of our thighs. Our thighs can create pressure, equal to about 50 psi or about 360 pounds (163.29 kg). I may be completely wrong here, since there's not actually a way to perfectly calculate pressure of your thighs into Heat, but trying to calculate the PSI into temperature and a exerted force of about 50 PSI could create a temperature of at least 150 °C and again, this can't make any sense. I'm going to try to explain how I calculated it in the first place.
I tried making it simple: p1/T1 equals the same as p2=/T2.
Later I tried different calculations and decided to go with a pretty logical calculation: The increase or change of the temperature. Using this calculation: ΔT=Tf−Ti, where Tf is the final temperature and Ti is the initial temperature. Sounds easy, and it kind of is. So, for water to evaporate, it would have needed to boil and reach a temperature of at least 100 °C (Sorry if I'm repeating myself) which is Δ90 °C. This means that she must have had to exert about 90°C in 10 seconds (0:17-0:27). Which I figure is impossible and quite dangerous. Don't try this at home.
I'd also like to point out the way the melon exploded. As we see in the video, the top half of the melon basically explodes. This actually adds credence to the idea that the water-like substance inside the melon was rapidly heated to the point of boiling, because melons do not burst like that. A human crushing a melon between their thighs will cause the entire shell of the fruit to split and crack, usually more prominently on the top half (simply due to ideal placement concentrating the forces involved to that half). The melon can be further damaged by continued crushing, but it doesn't matter, because at this point it can pretty much be pulled apart by hand. The only feasible way for the top half of the melon to explode in the manner that it does would be for the material inside to become hot gas, and look for a place to escape. Because of the pressure being placed on the bottom half, I think that would mean the top half would provide less resistance to the steam, thus expldoing as violently as depicted.
If someone asks, water inside a watermelon should also have boiled up to evaporate, since it is similar to water in physical composition. While I haven't seen the water inside a melon boil before, I know for a fact water or even water with less density should act the same as his real counterpart.
Yo, also on another note
I just watched Spider-Man across the spider verse (Aka. Spider-Man into the spider verse 2). A few spoilers and my opinion.
I like how they took a joke villain or a villain that's quite underrated and turned him into a menace when they add some logic into them. I feel like the Spot was more than fit to play the villain as a multiverse threat. His character and design are great. You can compare him to Billy Batson, Aka. Shazam, where he doesn't know how to use his powers properly at the start of the movie, but gets progressively more powerful and more knowledgeable with his powers. Also, the idea of “The Spot” to create portals to anywhere he likes, across the damn Multiverse, is great! I recommend this movie to quite literally anyone, even people who don't quite like the MCU. They did a great job on that one, and I hope that the MCU will follow soon after. I don't have high expectations after James Guss created “The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3" and left, which is a shame, but it is what it is. The only thing I was a little annoyed about was the pacing of the movie. I think it's okay that someone like Spider-Gwen would have gotten more screen time, and I'm actually quite happy for that, but I don't feel the same about a few other characters. Heck, Scarlet Spider got more screen time than some major characters from the first movie. I don't mind it, but one thing that had me thinking was a specific scene, where Peni Parker shows herself in a new robot and looking quite upset (Insert major spoiler here). This is where I wished we could have seen a little bit more about their time and not just Gwen. Other than that, I love all the cameos, characters, the details, and the love put into this movie.
Therefore, I'll rate this movie a solid 9 out of 10.
Yeah The Spot was always a misunderstood villain. I love the fact that the took someone that was thought of like a joke and turned him into into an extinction level villain!
The very first iterations of The Spot have clearly shown him to be a joke villain. I haven't quite read the later comics where he appears, but it does not seem like he plays any major or important roles, which is upsetting.
I am fructose intolerant (Yes, it exists. Not many people know that.), therefore I cannot eat as many melons as other people.
Let me explain: Fructose is mostly a chemical formula used for Fruit Sugar, which belongs to one of the larger groups of carbohydrates. Like glucose (Diabtes). And I happen to be Fructose intolerant.
A melon holds about 6 grams of sugar per 100 grams. Now someone who is diagnosed with fructose intolerance, I can only eat about 400 grams or about 25 grams of Fruit Sugar, as for usual eating a higher or larger amount of it, will cause stomach aches, convulsions, vomiting, and sleepiness.
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Damn im thirsty
i love this app
Bro is like
After the first melon is crushed, there are 14 more added to the picture. This means if we take an average weight of a melon with around 2 kilograms, both of them had around 11 seconds to transport 7 melons each. That doesn't sound reasonable, if we consider that it wouldn't be common to send a melon through this universes equivalent of a post office, if a melon store would be nearby. This means they already had melons at the fitness studio, because if they could get to their home in that time, they could just get a knife to open the melon or use their speed they to achieve their goal in another way. But how did the melons get to the fitness studio, and if there where melons the whole time, why did someone send them one? Melons do have a monetary value and no one would waste one without a solid reason. And why does the fitness studio have melons, but doesn’t provide a way to open it? And why do they have perfectly cut slices in the end? I don’t know, dear reader. If you know an answer to my question please enlighten me, my friend.
A retard at work
Atleast he is smarter than you dumb ass bitch
Om nom num nom nom nom num
I think Classic Shredder explained this video pretty well.
I love comment sections like this. :D
I don't understand why the melon started to steam. There was no friction or any way to insert heat into the melon by just the thighs. Adding pressure and the estimated body temperature of the character, it's reasonable to assume that there's no way that's possible. I'm assuming it's just a plain old Watermelon, then the estimated density for its shell is about 0 98 g/cm3 which is almost identical to Water.
Well, we have to remember that we're talking about the shell, not the inside. If you remember that when temperature rises, the density changes too. A prime example is water. We know that when it gets colder, its density increases, becoming ice and via versa becoming steam. Since Water is the best example for this, we can somewhat reduce the fluid inside the Watermelon and compare it to water, hence the density comparison. We have to note that, even if the person was able to put heat through the melon's rind, which is harder than it sounds, it would not be possible for it to evaporate. Especially when water needs to have a temperature of at least 100 °C. While yes, it is technically possible for the pressure to create or increase heat, it's not humanly possible for us to create about 100 °C with the power of our thighs. Our thighs can create pressure, equal to about 50 psi or about 360 pounds (163.29 kg). I may be completely wrong here, since there's not actually a way to perfectly calculate pressure of your thighs into Heat, but trying to calculate the PSI into temperature and a exerted force of about 50 PSI could create a temperature of at least 150 °C and again, this can't make any sense. I'm going to try to explain how I calculated it in the first place.
I tried making it simple: p1/T1 equals the same as p2=/T2.
Later I tried different calculations and decided to go with a pretty logical calculation: The increase or change of the temperature. Using this calculation: ΔT=Tf−Ti, where Tf is the final temperature and Ti is the initial temperature. Sounds easy, and it kind of is. So, for water to evaporate, it would have needed to boil and reach a temperature of at least 100 °C (Sorry if I'm repeating myself) which is Δ90 °C. This means that she must have had to exert about 90°C in 10 seconds (0:17-0:27). Which I figure is impossible and quite dangerous. Don't try this at home.
I'd also like to point out the way the melon exploded. As we see in the video, the top half of the melon basically explodes. This actually adds credence to the idea that the water-like substance inside the melon was rapidly heated to the point of boiling, because melons do not burst like that. A human crushing a melon between their thighs will cause the entire shell of the fruit to split and crack, usually more prominently on the top half (simply due to ideal placement concentrating the forces involved to that half). The melon can be further damaged by continued crushing, but it doesn't matter, because at this point it can pretty much be pulled apart by hand. The only feasible way for the top half of the melon to explode in the manner that it does would be for the material inside to become hot gas, and look for a place to escape. Because of the pressure being placed on the bottom half, I think that would mean the top half would provide less resistance to the steam, thus expldoing as violently as depicted.
Bro you good I think you became a teacher about 10 minutes or more.
Water's density actually decreases when it turns to ice, giving it it's bouancy
... alright Ill sign those papers and legally adopt ya!
Bro took out the physics book
I'm very impressed in the fact you said all this over a 2 or so minutes video well done classic shredder
The melon was probably chilled and started to steam on the hot summer day
Well yes, but actually no.
a wise man can you do my job for me
If someone asks, water inside a watermelon should also have boiled up to evaporate, since it is similar to water in physical composition. While I haven't seen the water inside a melon boil before, I know for a fact water or even water with less density should act the same as his real counterpart.
This video is pure propaganda.
Yo, also on another note
I just watched Spider-Man across the spider verse (Aka. Spider-Man into the spider verse 2). A few spoilers and my opinion.
I like how they took a joke villain or a villain that's quite underrated and turned him into a menace when they add some logic into them. I feel like the Spot was more than fit to play the villain as a multiverse threat. His character and design are great. You can compare him to Billy Batson, Aka. Shazam, where he doesn't know how to use his powers properly at the start of the movie, but gets progressively more powerful and more knowledgeable with his powers. Also, the idea of “The Spot” to create portals to anywhere he likes, across the damn Multiverse, is great! I recommend this movie to quite literally anyone, even people who don't quite like the MCU. They did a great job on that one, and I hope that the MCU will follow soon after. I don't have high expectations after James Guss created “The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3" and left, which is a shame, but it is what it is. The only thing I was a little annoyed about was the pacing of the movie. I think it's okay that someone like Spider-Gwen would have gotten more screen time, and I'm actually quite happy for that, but I don't feel the same about a few other characters. Heck, Scarlet Spider got more screen time than some major characters from the first movie. I don't mind it, but one thing that had me thinking was a specific scene, where Peni Parker shows herself in a new robot and looking quite upset (Insert major spoiler here). This is where I wished we could have seen a little bit more about their time and not just Gwen. Other than that, I love all the cameos, characters, the details, and the love put into this movie.
Therefore, I'll rate this movie a solid 9 out of 10.
the spot isnt a joke villain and never has been in his entire history.
Yeah The Spot was always a misunderstood villain. I love the fact that the took someone that was thought of like a joke and turned him into into an extinction level villain!
The very first iterations of The Spot have clearly shown him to be a joke villain. I haven't quite read the later comics where he appears, but it does not seem like he plays any major or important roles, which is upsetting.
I am fructose intolerant (Yes, it exists. Not many people know that.), therefore I cannot eat as many melons as other people.
Let me explain: Fructose is mostly a chemical formula used for Fruit Sugar, which belongs to one of the larger groups of carbohydrates. Like glucose (Diabtes). And I happen to be Fructose intolerant.
A melon holds about 6 grams of sugar per 100 grams. Now someone who is diagnosed with fructose intolerance, I can only eat about 400 grams or about 25 grams of Fruit Sugar, as for usual eating a higher or larger amount of it, will cause stomach aches, convulsions, vomiting, and sleepiness.
Why use your thighs when you can destroy the mellon with a METEOR IN THE MIDDLE OF AN ARMY