Heketa biology is something I'm invested in now...such an interesting creature. Why so many mouths? What could be the evolutionary purpose...and don't say sex fools! I'm thinking logically here...
Ok but which of her 5 mouths does she use to speak or eat or drink or breathe? Can she use all of them for all purposes, or are they limited to a single function?
Diives is everywhere, he's 100% been here at least once, and don't worry, he makes normal stuff too, human, furry, furry with 5 mouths, all of it (I have seen like 60% of it)
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Yeah.. looks like it👍
Heketa biology is something I'm invested in now...such an interesting creature. Why so many mouths? What could be the evolutionary purpose...and don't say sex fools! I'm thinking logically here...
more mouths, more pray, more ways to hunt,
Such a weird fuckin monster
why is her pussy steaming
Mouth hands
as a person who has received head before, i can confirm it does not sound like this.
As someone who has given head, I can confirm that it does indeed sound like this.
There are alot of techniques
Her saliva is probably so much
As a person who has bever received a head ever before, I don't know how it sounds
Divves needs to actually try sex maybe then he'll stop wasting his life making terrible porn
Sad how y'all just rant rant rant instead of trying to make something of your life other then those jackasses on that porn site
blud i might not be involved in this but all im here for is to look at something ill never get in life
She definitely has 2 mouths for eyes
Is there a place where it has no mouths?
Ya gotta put it all on the line to get anything worth having
This picture describes this website way too accurately
I am disgusted.
Wait what the fuck? Diives make porn animations???
Always had been
mother fucking bowl cut,
Ok but which of her 5 mouths does she use to speak or eat or drink or breathe? Can she use all of them for all purposes, or are they limited to a single function?
Have multiple mouths wouldn't really help if each mouth could only do one thing. In fact i'd say it would be more of a disadvantage.
if its all going to one stomach then thats fucked
I doubt the original creator of this video is on this website.
Diives is everywhere, he's 100% been here at least once, and don't worry, he makes normal stuff too, human, furry, furry with 5 mouths, all of it (I have seen like 60% of it)