The first step is to stop watching porn or viewing pornographic material entirely. Your brain still thinks it's good to look at porn and masturbate so just simply cut it out. It'll take time and it'll be difficult but what's not difficult in life if you're making an effort not to be garbage?
well unless youre edging, not much? but the temptations still gonna be there, if youedge and stop, youre gonna blue ball your brain and its gonna fuck you over
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I dont have a piss kink... But id let a girl piss on my cock
Man I can't do this shit no more I'm quoting
ze demons are pushing. but me spirit holds them back!
Go to hell carlos
Why does this have piss in it
i like that people reads and faps to this, then hates it afterwards... POST NUT CLARITY I SEE.
This weird but funny 5/10
God this is so hot and funny I've came 4 times to this today alone
Keep up the good work 8===D
No one:
Me: (page 22)
These comments are funnier than the comic
watch oversimplified
i got banned from their minecraft server
Wanna know the best part? Your dick grows bigger and cums longer. I don't think these horny slutty men aren't gonna stop.
well unless youre edging, not much? but the temptations still gonna be there, if youedge and stop, youre gonna blue ball your brain and its gonna fuck you over