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Returning to this just because i find it wholesome....
nice art, great story, evcen better ending. 10/10 would read a comic series that follows the event of this one
sorry typo meant to say "even better ending"
Why is it cute?
If arstozka had wholesome-ness like this then yes.
10/10 would read again
This was me
One of the best loli hentai I see the Manga is spot on
Do you guys know how I can summon a succubus?
Look it up on DuckDuckGo, it removes any garbage results.
what do i do its ot a loli
The autopsy might give a clear cause of death but your tax paying dollars will go into hours upon hour of detectives and doctors trying to find out how the fuck is it humanly possible to ejacule this much.
Eitherway good way of dying ngl, but preferably with someone older
Can't agree enough, i would definitely die like this if have the chance
Wait, how old is she?
Good question...
I know its porn and all but why does my man here harness the song "Jishou Mushuko" (Self-Inflicted Achromatic is a Vocaloid song released by nekobolo or now known as Sassanomaly, the last vocaloid song i heard from him was Kanadetomosusora)
Kobaaanda mono o sugite mienai mono baka mitai da
Dame da ne, dame yo, dame na yo no
Anta ga suki de sukisugite
Dore dake tsuyoi osake demo
Yugamanai omoide ga baka mitai
Wholesome... kinda
Glory to Arstotzka
Glory to Arstotzka
Glory to Arstotzka
Glory to Arstotzka
Glory to Aratozka
Glory to Aratozka
Glory to Aratozka
Honestly a good ending
Bro this is legit the comic version of an ACTUAL hentai