
Censorship: Missing / There is a patch to remove Developer / Publisher: Akabur Platform: PC / Windows Version: 2.03 Language: English
Princess Trainer from Akabur, released as a new game Evil Ja'far captured captured agraba, and gave the princess to the old man to make her a slave. Who is this old man and what will happen to Jasmine ?! 20 interesting quests, "every" quest reveals something new. All this you will learn in this new game from Akabur
[collapse collapsed title=Achievements FAQ] All the award-winning costumes, potions and the like appear on sale from AZALEA (a saleswoman in a costume store). Potions are used in the accessories section when dressing the girl in the evening at home. №1 "THE KIND MASTER" Purpose: To donate 300 coins to a homeless person. Reward: STREET WHORE OUTFIT suit for LOLA is available №2 "ROSE THE WAIFU" Goal: Speak with ROSE slave trainer. Accomplishment: 10 days in a row go to school and talk with ROSE / Reward: SLAVE GIRL OUTFIT for ROSE №3 "LIFE OF THE RICH AND INFAMOUS" Purpose: To accumulate 5000 coins. Reward: GREEN COURTESAN OUTFIT suit for IRIS is available №4 "THE CITIZEN OF AGRABAH" Goal: Play more than 100 days Reward: PREGNANCY POTION for JASMINE / LOLA / IRIS №5 "LOCAL WEIRDO" Goal: Visit the city tavern 10 times a day. Performance: We go to the tavern and talk with the bartender more than 10 times in a row. The next day is done. Reward: NIPPLE PIERCING for IRIS №6 "I JUST DO NOT FEEL LIKE IT" Goal: Do not practice for 30 days in a row Reward: LACTATION POTION for JASMINE / LOLA / IRIS №7 "EAT, SLEEP, LIFT, REPEAT" Purpose: To train at night on an area of 10 days in a row. Reward: SLAVE GIRL OUTFIT for LOLA №8 "SECOND CHANCES" Goal: Go through the game and start Game +. Half of this can load save and sell the play - achivki are not awarded to individual saves, so they always work. Reward: WEDDING DRESS for JASMINE №9 "BAD PARENTING" Purpose: To lay LOLA to sleep drunk 7 times in a row. Fulfillment: You buy from a bartender a wine with 200 coins per bottle and drink Lola in her room. After I had drunk, I left the room and went to bed. It can be done if you do not go to bed, and then do something. Reward: RETRO GIRL OUTFIT for LOLA №10 "KEEP CALM AND CLEAN" Goal: JASMINE should clean up 20 times in the houses - work at the grindstone. Reward: AN ASSORTIMENT OF PAPER BAGS for LOLA / IRIS / JASMINE №11 "MY SEAMSTRESS WAIFU" Goal: Perform the plot branch AZALEA with the ending A. Fulfillment: After completing Quest # 13, the favorite customer accumulate 60+ points without spending it. This will get you both versions of the story. When you save, save and start spending points. For the ending A after blowjob on the table, answer her "Sure, why not". Reward: BALL GAG for IRIS / LOLA №12 "LIKE MOTHER LIKE DOUGHTER" Goal: Perform the plot branch AZALEA with the ending B. Fulfillment: After completing Quest # 13, the favorite customer accumulate 60+ points without spending it. This will get you both versions of the story. When you save, save and start spending points. For the ending A after blowjob on the table, answer her "Sure, why not". Reward: "SLUT" TABLET for JASMINE №13 "THE EARLY BIRD" Goal: 14 days in a row go to bed using the command CALL IT A DAY. Employment of sex, training, quests, etc. knock down the chain, respectively. Reward: 500 coins №14 "I THINK I'M READY" Goal: Complete all the quests in the game. Reward: THE SPASE PRINCESS OUTFIT for JASMINE (Costume of the Amidala) №15 "PRINCESS TRAINER 2 WHEN?" Goal: Get all the other aphivki. Reward: Additional scene at the end of the game. [/collapse]
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I want to make her my bitch, that slut will git what she deserves
So much potential, wasted.......
daughter of a bitch
Please port this to android
corrupt file. checksum failure
need password or keyfile
The archive is broken can you please re-upoload?
only one item in file. otherwise cant play at all
its missing some files in the download it only have one called archive.rpa