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My little angel - Porn Games

Porn game My little angel

mby9sxudyk5ib8d1zwlw3zbis.png Year: 2016
Censorship: No
Developer/Publisher: Feodosiy
Platform: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Version: v1.0d
Language: English/Russian
System requirements:
CPU: Athlon / Pentium 200 MHz
RAM: 64 MB
DirectX: 8.1
RAM: 512 MB; VRAM: 128 MB; HDD: ~ 1.65 GB.


It’s a visual novel built on the RenPy engine. One more “Whore trainer“. The general idea of the game was naturally influenced by the Akabur’s games, but that said, my game have little in common with them, except for the lewdness. By plot, you play for an immoderately lascivious man, who turned his toes one fine day, and instead of finally getting to respond for his deeds… got to be a guardian angel of one sweet young lady…

Additional Information: 

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v.0.7 Beta

This update stores two sufficient changes.

1) Thanks to the new time mechanic, you can now not only "descend" right to Anabelle and watch event after event. But also you are free to enter any location. Of course, I had to vastly increase the number of available locations, so that you don't just wander about empty locations, waiting for Anabelle.

2) The time mechanic has been greatly improved. Time now ticks during events, too. This enlivens the locations. You can just sit there, in Anabelle's room, watching her go throught her daily routine (randomized with accordance to the story progress and her stats).


I know that you will have questions. Schedule in the academy:

9:00 - 10:15 Lecture

10:15 - 11:00 Break

11:00 - 12:15 Lecture

12:15 - 13:00 Break

13:00 - 14:15 Lecture

14:15 - 15:00 After lectures

Last event of update - demoness&angel.


I'd like to ask you to judge this update a little less sternly, for it includes some rather complex mechanics that affect each second of the game, and, as far as I know, those mechanics are also unique among games on our engine. This time I'm not even hoping for this to be more of early access then a beta-test, although I really tried to make it that. I hope main bugs (if there are any) will be fixed within first 2 days. Thus, if you don't want to participate in "testing", and just want early access, it'd be reasonable to wait 1-2 days.

I read many comments on the web... Soul sorting system has been somewhat changed. The mechanic is untouched, although I've increased the number of folders and animation speed. I also added some hints.

I think the game became much better, but there is bad news, too. With such a tight schedule, we could really advance the story much. No, I don't mean to say there are no new thematic scenes, I wouldn't have allowed such an update :) We wanted to atone for the lack of story development by adding something you'd asked for a long time... you'll see what I mean (next updates will have similar scenes).

Once again, due to the time limits, some things that should have been included have not been... But I promised an update in February and I didn't want to be a liar... I'll try to make another update within one month. It'll be the version 0.7.1 with somewhat refined logic, some new scenes.

I thank all of you who made this release possible :)



Some bugfixes and event gallery



Just bugfix. If you have problems with party event, it must help.

My little angel 0.6 Eng+Rus(fixed)
$5+ patrons

Hello everyone And here starts out test.
This time the most notable changes are new mechanics. I don't suppose there is much use in listing them, as you'll see everything for yourselves.

Game time mechanics have been changed: you can visit the same location as many times as you like, but can't produce meaningful actions more than once a day.

Disguise mechanic works the same as before, but more scenes are needed for it to make sense -_-

Some scenes were made what they are simply due to a lack of necessary components (the exam, the scene with the shop-assistant), in the following versions they will be remade into full-scale quest branches.

The branch with the protagonist getting wasted on the party has not changed, and this version is the last to include the said branch. It is to be completely revised in the future.

This time leveling up is essential, and you won't get far without it So don't forget to clear your table And before you ask, new abilities are found on levels 4-6-9.

And yeah, in this version you might want to make her steal clothes in the store and bottom out her academic performance scale

I've been testing the game for about a week now, but there still can be minor things that could slip my attention. Should you find any bugs, please report them via comment section here, PM or Discord.

Old saves naturally do not work.

Version with cheats, walkthrough will be aviable a little bit later.


Average: 4 (63 votes)

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Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

i think i am stuck , i cant get anabele fucked at the cinema


Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

you should move your mouse to the cinema while park symbol seems

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

ok but why torrent

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
3.05GB, duh... You going to pay for hosting? I don't think so
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
I mean, a dropbox link would've done a better job. No need for seperate software just to fail to "unpack" it