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Monster Girl Tailes - Porn Games

Porn game Monster Girl Tailes

Year: 201774xrxdhc96egexr98l6r9o7to.jpg
Censorship: No
Developer/Publisher: InterLEWD Creations
Platform: PC/Windows
Version: v.0.22.1
Language: English
System requirements: OS: Windows x32/x64 HDD: 1.1Gb


Monster Girl Tailes is a 18+ hentai adventure game based on harem anime where you find sexy monster girls and then seduce them into lewd acts. Story You are the newest student to the Monster Girl Hunter Academy. For as long as you can remember you have wanted to be a monster girl hunter, and now you've finally been accepted into the academy. There is just one problem. You're a lousy fighter. Abysmal. The worst. However, you have a secret talent nobody knows about. Every girl you sleep with falls in love with you. If only you could find a way to turn that to your advantage.

Additional Information: 

[collapse collapsed title=Changelog:]


Journal Screen: Added portrait for Sho.
Inventory Screen: Added portrait for Flower.
Inventory Screen: Added portrait for Sundae.
Dialogue: Added some better hints in Rin's dialogue.
Dialogue: Added some dialogue for Sho about his wardrobe.
H Scenes: Added Speed slider for service H scenes.
UI Fonts: Used same fonts in all screens
UI Buttons: Used same style buttons in all screens.
UI: Added border for windows to make mouse easier to see.
Outfit: Added a new outfit for Sho.
HUD: Added Time hint to HUD.
Particles: Smile particles instead of love hearts for Sho.
Bug Fixes
List View: mouse scrolls list at correct speed.
List View: mouse scrolls list in correct direction.
Journal: Fixed lighting of NPCs regardless of time of day.
Known Issues
Camera clips through characters and terrain.
Girls hover above ground.
Tails clips through player and monster girl characters.
Player's run animation looks weird.
Player's legs look too long.
Water flickers in Fast quality mode.
Kuroka's Facial Expressions.
Boobs clip through clothing when moving sometimes.
Yuki's does not start the race or move at all.
Sensei's clothing is transparent in the Journal screen.
Player spawns behind some trees instead of in front of school.
Sometimes character's legs bend in ways they shouldn't.
Kuroka's eyes are pink at night.


Level: Added Greenfen Forest level (Work In Progress)
Level: Enabled streaming of game levels to improve performance.
Day/Night: New Skyboxes for Morning and Night.
HUD: Made changes to ensure stability.
Models: Added grey boxes for human houses in the village area.
Known Issues
Camera clips through characters and terrain.
Girls hover above ground.
Tails clips through player and monster girl characters.
Player's run animation looks weird.
Player's legs look too long.
Water flickers in Fast quality mode.
Kuroka's Facial Expressions.
Boobs clip through clothing when moving sometimes.
Yuki's does not start the race or move at all.
Sensei's clothing is transparent in the Journal screen.
Player spawns behind some trees instead of in front of school.
Sometimes character's legs bend in ways they shouldn't.
Kuroka's eyes are pink at night.

Inventory Screen: Added inventory images for the rest of the inventory items
Day/Night: Added new lighting and skyboxes for Morning, Midday or Night.
Day/Night: Added ability for time to change to Morning, Midday or Night.
HUD: Added UI hints for free roam and H scenes in bottom right corner.
HUD: Display current time of day icon in top right corner.
Lighting: Changed to Linear colour space to better represent times of day and the new character shaders.
Bug Fixes
Journal Screen: Display the correct relationship icons for each girl
Journal Screen: Display the correct Game Completion.
Known Issues
Camera clips through characters and terrain.
Girls hover above ground.
Tails clips through player and monster girl characters.
Player's run animation looks weird.
Player's legs look too long.
Water flickers in Fast quality mode.
Kuroka's Facial Expressions.
Boobs clip through clothing when moving sometimes.
Yuki's does not start the race or move at all.
Sensei's clothing is transparent in the Journal screen.
Player spawns behind some trees instead of in front of school.
Sometimes character's legs bend in ways they shouldn't.
Kuroka's eyes are pink at night.

Version 0.18.3

* Added more facial animations in diaologue.
* Added purple uniform outfit for Yuki.
* Added Christmas outfit for Akeno.
* Added Christmas themed props.
* Added new inventory item.
* Added more dialogue and story content for Akeno.
* Added new H Scene for Akeno.
* Miscellaneous performance improvements.

Bug Fixes
* Fixed bug where "I" key does not always open/close the Inventory screen.
* Fixed bug where "J" key does not always open/close the Journal screen.
* Fixed bug where "Esc" key does not always open/close the Main Menu.
* Fixed bug where "F5" key does not always Quick Save your game.
* Fixed bug where "F9" key does not always Quick Load your game.
* Fixed bug where Ball Of Yarn does not dissapear from Inventory.

Known Issues
* Camera clips through characters and terrain.
* Girls hover above ground.
* Tails clips through player and monster girl characters.
* Player's run animation looks weird.
* Player's legs look too long.
* Water flickers in Fast quality mode.
* Kuroka's Facial Expressions.
* Boobs clip through clothing when moving sometimes.
* Yuki's does not start the race or move at all.
* Sensei's clothing is transparent in the Journal screen.
* Player spawns behind some trees instead of in front of school.
* Sometimes character's legs bend in ways they shouldn't.


Journal Screen: Zoom camera position to head when adjusting hair and eye colour.
Journal Screen: Character portrait can be rotated with left click and drag.
Characters: Rebuilt hairstyles.
Characters: Rebuilt cat and fox ears.
Inventory Screen: Show text when combining items is successful.
Inventory Screen: Show text when combining items is unsuccessful.
User Interface: Added TextMesh Pro for text with gradient effects.
Bug Fixes
User Interface: Enabled list view items to scroll list views with mouse scroll.
Known Issues
Camera clips through characters and terrain.
Girls hover above ground.
Tails clips through player and monster girl characters.
Player's run animation looks weird.
Player's legs look too long.
Water flickers in Fast quality mode
Kuroka's Facial Expressions
Boobs clip through clothing when moving sometimes.
Yuki's does not start the race or move at all.
Sensei's clothing is transparent in the Journal screen.

Added new textures for male eyes
Disabled zoom to first person camera until new camera can be created
Added visible props for player's equipped items.
Added new Elf Ear prop.
Add new prop for Yuki's sword.
Added 2 x new hairstyles
Added shadows.
Bug Fixes
Player can no longer stand on water surface at edge of pond.
Known Issues
Camera clips thro ugh characters and terrain.
Girls hover above ground.
Tails clips through player and monster girl characters.
Player's run animation looks weird.
Player's legs look too long.
Water flickers in Fast quality mode
Kuroka's Facial Expressions
Boobs clip through clothing when moving sometimes.
Yuki's does not start the race or move at all.
Sensei's clothing is transparent in the Journal screen.

Enabled male NPCs in the Character System.
Added new character Himeko.
Added new character Sho.
Added new Dialogue for Misato.
Added new Dialogue for Sensei.
Added weapons for NPCs.
Included more inventory items and story content.
Increased player turning speed so he is easier to control.
Bug Fixes
Jopurnal screen will display the first character on first screen open.
Journal Screen will now respect correct clothing for characters.
Pickup items load correctly on Quick Load now.
Tasty Fish now disappears from Inventory after giving it away.
Known Issues
Camera clips through characters and terrain.
Girls hover above ground.
Tails clips through player and monster girl characters.
Player's run animation looks weird.
Player's legs look too long.
Water flickers in Fast quality mode
Kuroka's Facial Expressions
Boobs clip through clothing when moving sometimes.
Yuki's does not start the race or move at all.
Sensei's clothing is transparent in the Journal screen.

Version 0.14.0

* Added NPC model to Journal Screen that reflects character customisation.
* Minor List View improvements.

Bug Fixes
* Journal Screen drag icon no longer stays behind after combining items.
* Journal screen list shows highlight border for selected items.

Known Issues
* Camera clips through characters and terrain.
* Girls hover above ground.
* Tails clips through player and monster girl characters.
* Player's run animation looks weird.
* Player's legs look too long.
* Water flickers in Fast quality mode.
* Kuroka's Facial Expressions.
* Boobs clip through clothing when moving sometimes.
* Yuki's does not start the race or move at all.
* Sensei's clothing is transparent in the Journal screen.


Version 0.13.0

* Added Master Hunter Plaque to school exterior wall.
* Added more dialogue for Yuki.
* Added Foot Job H Service scene for Yuki.
* Added ejaculation sound effects at the end of H scenes.

Bug Fixes
* Fixed colours for Hair Style H so hair is not rendered as broken pink colour.
* Fixed Completion percentage in Journal screen to reflect available content
* Fixed foot placement of NPCs so their foot positions do not jitter between ground level and knee height.

Known Issues
* Camera clips through characters and terrain.
* Girls hover above ground.
* Tails clips through player and monster girl characters.
* Player's run animation looks weird.
* Player's legs look too long.
* Water flickers in Fast quality mode
* Kuroka's Facial Expressions
* Boobs clip through clothing when moving sometimes
* Inventory drag icon sometimes hangs around after dragging items
* Yuki's does not start the race or move at all.


Version 0.12.0

* Customise eye colour for waifus in your harem.
* Customise hair colour for waifus in your harem.
* Customise hair style for waifus in your harem.
* Customise skin tone for waifus in your harem.
* Quick Save/ Quick Load customised appearance for waifus in your harem.

Bug Fixes
* Load player's name from game save file.
* Load clothing for NPC's based on relationship from game save file.
* Show/hide pick ups as restored from game save file.

Known Issues
* Camera clips through characters and terrain.
* Girls hover above ground.
* Tails clips through player and monster girl characters.
* Player's run animation looks weird.
* Player's legs look too long.
* Water flickers in Fast quality mode
* Kuroka's Facial Expressions
* Boobs clip through clothing when moving sometimes
* Inventory drag icon sometimes hangs around after dragging items
* Yuki's does not start the race or move at all.


Version 0.11.0

* Fine tuned particle special effects to interactive items when nearby.
* Added Audio Mixer to handle all music, sound effects, etc.
* Added Audio Settings screen to tailor Audio Mixer.
* Added ability to save Audio Settings to a preferences file.
* Balanced all sound effects through Audio Mixer.
* Improved some dialogue spelling and grammar. Special thanks to Shayoko.
* Added Quick Save (F5) to save game progress.
* Added Quick Load (F9) to reload and resume game from Quick Save.

Known Issues
* Camera clips through characters and terrain.
* Girls hover above ground.
* Tails clips through player and monster girl characters.
* Player's run animation looks weird.
* Player's legs look too long.
* Water flickers in Fast quality mode
* Kuroka's Facial Expressions
* Boobs clip through clothing when moving sometimes
* Inventory drag icon sometimes hangs around after dragging items
* Yuki's does not start the race or move at all.
* Quick Load does not restore the outfits for the girls


Version 0.10.0

* Added maximum zoom so you cannot zoom out and see the whole game level.
* Added Depth of Field camera effect when in Dialogue
* Added particle special effects to interactive items when nearby.

Bug Fixes
* Fixed issue where "Speak" icon does no disappear when dialogue/H scene begins.

Known Issues
* Camera clips through characters and terrain.
* Girls hover above ground.
* Tails clips through player and monster girl characters.
* Player's run animation looks weird.
* Player's legs look too long.
* Water flickers in Fast quality mode
* Kuroka's Facial Expressions
* Boobs clip through clothing when moving sometimes
* Inventory drag icon sometimes hangs around after dragging items
* Yuki's does not start the race or move at all.


Version 0.9.0

* Can now receive inventory items in dialogue
* Can now lose/use inventory items in dialogue
* Some dialogue options now require a specific inventory item to be equipped
* Added new character Yuki and dialogue
* Smoothed player rotation so he doesn't snap in the direction of input.
* Add some more dialogue for Rin
* Added a boulder cave in at entrance to Greenfen Forest for story.

Bug Fixes
* Fixed issue where you cannot talk to Kuroka after Service H Scene.
* Fixed issue where you cannot start H Scene with Misato after she is your Waifu.
* Fixed issue where Journal screen would immediately close after opening.
* Fixed issue where Inventory screen would immediately close after opening.

Known Issues
* Camera clips through characters and terrain.
* Girls hover above ground.
* Tails clips through player and monster girl characters.
* Player's run animation looks weird.
* Player's legs look too long.
* Water flickers in Fast quality mode
* Kuroka's Facial Expressions
* Boobs clip through clothing when moving sometimes
* Inventory drag icon sometimes hangs around after dragging items
* Yuki's does not start the race or move at all.


Version 0.8.0

* Performance improvements for user interface.
* Updated Inventory screen to show portraits for items.
* Updated Inventory screen to allow combining items.
* Updated Inventory screen to allow equipping items.
* Updated Inventory screen to handle different resolutions.
* Added Journal screen to show known girls and relationship status.
* Added Christmas Outfit for Sensei.

Known Issues
* Camera clips through characters and terrain.
* Girls hover above ground.
* Tails clips through player and monster girl characters.
* Player's run animation looks weird.
* Player's legs look too long.
* Water flickers in Fast quality mode
* Kuroka's Facial Expressions
* Kuroka's boobs clip through her bikini when moving
* Inventory drag icon sometimes hangs around after dragging items


Version 0.7.1

* Enlarged Dialogue font size
* Added Right Shift key to sprint for left handed players
* Added Inventory screen

Known Issues
* Camera clips through characters and terrain.
* Girls hover above ground.
* Tails clips through player and monster girl characters.
* Player's run animation looks weird.
* Player's legs look too long.
* Water flickers in Fast quality mode
* Kuroka's Facial Expressions


Version 0.7.0

* Added Service H Scene for Kuroka.
* Added H scene for Sensei.
* Updated Service H Scene for Sensei.
* Added animation to Kuroka's dialogue.
* Added animation to Sensei's dialogue.
* Added new female model with 3D nipples, 3D vagina and 3D anus.
* Added new bikini with camel toe and erect nipples.

Bug Fixes
* AI can now look at player and rotate to face player again.
* Feet no longer clip through the ground during H scenes.

Known Issues
* Camera clips through characters and terrain.
* Girls hover above ground.
* Tails clips through player and monster girl characters.
* Player's run animation looks weird.
* Player's legs look too long.
* Water flickers in Fast quality mode

Animated poses in dialogue
Animated facial expressions in dialogue
Animated monster girl attack in dialogue
Camera shake when attacked in dialogue
Removed player teleport after dialogue/H scene
Known Issues
Camera clips through characters and terrain.
Girls hover above ground.
Tails clips through player and monster girl characters.
Player's run animation looks weird.
Player's legs look too long.
Water flickers in Fast quality mode

Changelog Early Release 0.6.1
Here is the latest Veteran Hunter Early Release.
This release introduces the new species eyes and a bunch of changes around H Scenes including a new scene with Akeno.

Download it on a platform of your choice.

Windows 64-bit
Windows 32-bit

Recommended Resolution: 16:9 e.g. 1920 x 1080

Updated art for character eyes based on species. e.g. Cat, Fox, Etc.
Added Akeno Service H Scene
Updated Misato's H Scene to lean against environment
Hide H Scene controls when in Service H Scene
Made H Scene controls more clear so player's don't get confused.
Fixed bug where player gets stuck on terrain and environment.

Known Issues
Camera clips through characters and terrain.
Girls hover above ground.
Tails clips through player and monster girl characters.
Player's run animation looks weird.
Player's legs look too long.

Changelog Early Release 0.5.1
* Enabled player to walk
* Enabled player to run with Shift key
* Increased run speed by 20%
* Possible to feed Akeno
* Added Controls screen
* NPCs will rotate to face player

Known Issues
* Camera clips through characters and terrain.
* Girls hover above ground.
* Tails clips through player and monster girl characters.
* Player's run animation looks weird.
* Player's legs look too long.
* Water flickers in Fast quality mode


[collapse collapsed title=Features:]
Bouncing Boobies & Jiggling Booties.
Erect Nipples & Camel Toes.
Nudity - Improve your relationship with the girls to remove their clothing.
H Scenes - Seduce the girls into lewd acts that make them fall in love with you.
Inventory Items - Collect items that can be used to improve your relationships.
Unlockable Sex Positions - Learn new positions in order to satisfy monster girls' desires.
Customisation - Unlock Clothing and Hair Styles to customise your harem.
Rich Dialogue - Visual Novel style dialogue with choices that impact your relationship with all the girls.
Support for multiple languages
Sexy Monster Girls of varied species, looks & styles


[collapse collapsed title=Controls:]

Normal Mode
Move: WASD
Interact: E
Mouse Move: Rotate camera

Dialogue Mode
Progress Dialogue/Select Choice - Left Click

H Mode
Use the sliders to select the preferred speed and depth to please the monster girl.
Hold Right Click + Move Mouse - Rotate Camera


Average: 3.9 (134 votes)

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Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.
Anonymous (not verified)
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Anonymous (not verified)
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Anonymous (not verified)
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Wait how do I play it?

Anonymous (not verified)
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Anonymous (not verified)
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it's so cool
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
How do you spell both tales wrong
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

maybe because its a play on words?

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
can i know that is it can be played on my
Anonymous (not verified)
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camera move doesn't work angry


Anonymous (not verified)
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Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

you should add more stuff and save and load 

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

U boobs

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I can't feed that hungry girl. What do I do? 

(I have the shake but it won't give it to her)



Anonymous (not verified)
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Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Just get 7z


Anonymous (not verified)
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Joined: 11/05/2019

Coming here just to post


Anonymous (not verified)
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Praise the lord

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

My lord

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Lord Tachanka himself 

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I feel like i'm playing Mass Effect again with the interaction menu.

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

We gonna ignore the mass effect text options


Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

How do we give quest itens?

Hraft's picture
Joined: 26/08/2017

New version

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

You click on the file size

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

how do I play it


Sans (not verified)
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info giver (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

download winrar for free


james (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

can you make it in a zip not rar