Censorship: Missing / There is a patch to remove
Developer / Publisher: KISS
Platform: Windows
Version: 1.64
Language interface: Japanese/English (in progress)/Russian (in progress)
Language of voice: Japanese
System requirements:
CPU: Core i5
GPU: GTX400+/HD6000+ Res:HD(720+)
HDD: 118.08 GB
You are the hero day, was called to the salon "Empire Club" that uncle will serve as the owner. And it suddenly would be to take over the store what is ...... actually Salon abound problem! Salon boasted the glory about it by the negligence of the uncle is completely deserted, yet there until the debt! Hero Thanks, would have been forced into the situation that must be rebuilt soon. First, hire a maid, who had gone to cultivate, first-class maid with excellent entertainment and vigil. Really "Empire Club" is, or will be able to achieve a growth in the best salon again!
[collapse collapsed title=Update from 13.04:]
According to the autotranslator in CM3D2: many people wrote that they had a game freezing when autotranslation was on, it was forcibly disabled and hidden. So that only those who realize that the inclusion of the autotranslator in CM3D2 can include it, will most likely cause periodic game hangs. So, if you are going to use automatic translation: go to "[path to the game] \ cm3d2 \ Sybaris \ _langs" and move the file "XUnity.AutoTranslator_ON-OFF.bat" to "[path to the game] \ cm3d2", after that, ou can enable and disable auto translation by running this file. CM3D2: - COM3D2: COM3D2 1.28 Update [COM3D2 Shop] [Event Add-on Pack Vol.7] [COM3D2 Shop] [Yotogi & H-event Add-on Pack] [Anesan] [COM3D2 Shop] [Evenicle 2]
[collapse collapsed title=General information:]
How to assemble the game?
1. Start download the game, then stop download
2. Go to the game folder properties and uncheck "read only"
3. Go to "[your path to the torrent] \ cm3d2", run "UnpackMe.exe", and unzip the archive into the current folder
4. To start the game, use the files: "start_x64", "start_x64_dx10", "start_x64-VR", "start_x86", "start_x86_dx10" To switch the language of the translation, run the file "EN-RU_switching" If there are problems with the launch, read the spoiler "problems with the game", maybe there is a solution DLCs: Information about what is in the torrent, you can find in the files: cm3d2 \ readme_cm3d2.txt - general information about installed add-ons and plugins for CM3D2. cm3d2 \ readme_com3d2.txt - general information about installed add-ons and plugins for COM3D2.
How to add a plugin to the game? An example of adding a MaidFiddler plugin to the game:
Drop in the [game] \ Sybaris \ Plugins \ UnityInjector folder the * .Plugin.dll files Drop in the [game] \ Sybaris \ Loader folder the * .Patcher.dll and * .Hook.dll files For COM3D2: Drop to the [game] \ Sybaris \ UnityInjector folder the * .Plugin.dll files Drop the * .Patcher.dll and * .Hook.dll files into the [game] \ Sybaris folder
How to delete game translation files?
Delete the Assets, Strings and Textures folders from "Sybaris \ Plugins \ UnityInjector \ Config"
For COM3D2: Delete the Assets, Strings and Textures folders from "Sybaris \ UnityInjector \ Config"
How to enable first person mode? In sex scene mode:
F - on behalf of the maid M - on behalf of the owner.
How to change the appearance of the maid-secretary?
1. Create and save a preset.
2. Find it in the Preset folder (to simplify the search, I advise you to use the preset viewer) and copy it to the Sybaris / Preset folder.
3. Rename it to pre_maid_secretary.preset. Some facts about this method:
- 1. If the preset is a body / clothes type, then the maid is fully transported.
- 2. If the preset is “clothes”, then the maid will be in your clothes, but her appearance will be replaced with the standard one.
- 3. If the preset is a body type, the maid will look like in a preset, but the clothes will be replaced with a standard one.
- 4. If you delete the pre_maid_secretary.preset file, the secretary-maid will remain the same.
Are you already tired of the fact that your maid is too "glad" to see you? It seems to you that it is overly stretched? To get out of this situation, you should:
1. Go to the folder Sybaris \ Plugins \ UnityInjector \ Config.
2. Find the file AddYotogiSlider.ini.
3. Find in it the item KupaLevel and correct its value to 67 or 69.
[collapse collapsed title=Troubleshooting:]
If your game crashes: try launching it through the file "start_dx10.bat" Windows 10 black screen:
- go to the game folder properties and uncheck "read only"; - check whether the computer meets the minimum requirements of the game;
- only latin characters should be in the way to the game; - the path to the game should be as short as possible (ideally "C: \ games \ cm3d2");
- try to move the game to another directory; - perhaps there is a problem with access rights to the game directory for your user;
- check your hard drive for errors / check your computer for viruses. Error when choosing hair: Change hair color to "FREE / Own" Separation of bodies during sex: Set maid height values from 0 to 99 (traveling is due to negative or too high growth values)
Error when choosing hair:
Change hair color to "FREE / Own"
Separation of bodies during sex:
Set maid height values from 0 to 99 (traveling is due to negative or too high growth values)
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Where can i download it?
Torrent 118 GB LMAO what
Yes, the files are big...but for a good reason.
The girls are quite customizable, and the 3D modeling is pretty good. It's fully voiced...granted, in Japanese.
Watch the trailer videos and decide for yourself if you want to get it, not base it on the file size.
Honey Select is better than this bs. Actual sex, more sex options ect. This bs 118gb game isn't worth it. Not one bit.
download is broken
can you plz put downloading on zip ?
Please Reup only 51%
Downloads broke
Amateure. I have entire 200 petabytes of Soviet storage
At first I thought 'yeah 60GB seems way too much for a game like this. I have a good computer and decent internet and this thing'd still take me a day or two to download.' But now, boy oh boy, you just had to make it 100GB. This is larger than every steam game I own, including: GTA V, Mafia 3, all the Wolfenstein games, and much, much more. I don't doubt it's good, but does it really need to take up 100 fucking GB? Are you kidding me? Can someone who has gone through the pains of downloading this pls leave how they thought about the game, I want to know if it's even close to worth it.
bigger than gta 5
Damn, this goddamn amazing game is larger than Artifical Academy 2!
Is that 60 mb or gb?
i have black screen
holy shit this things bigger than fucking world of warcraft what the fuck this is going to take my computor weeks to finish the torrent thingy needed says its gonna take 3 days but lets be honest those things always tell you its going to be done way sooner than it acually does... jeez
Why is the file so big?
New version 1.58.1
One question, can i make trap in this game?