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Book of Lust - Porn Games


Porn game Book of Lust

Year: 2018alvj7w650aywueyb8y4xc0e18.png
Censorship: No
Developer/Publisher: kanashiipanda
Platform: Windows/Mac/Linux
Version: v0.0.46.1b
Language: English
System requirements:
CPU: Pentium 4 2.0 GHz
RAM: 512 MB
HDD: 400 MB


  You play as a guy who accidentally releases a succubus (with a bit of a catch) and gets access to both her and her spell book.​

Additional Information: 

[collapse collapsed title=Changelog]

-Fixed Spell menu showing when summoning succubus in Caroline’s room. -Fixed Sex with Julia option not working after Caroline’s Cafeteria scene. -Fixed softlock when attempting to enter Caroline’s room in the afternoon just after meeting her in the cafeteria.


-Added Caroline to the Stats Screen -Added Julia Birthing scene -Finished News segment featuring BlightFire and BlueLightning. -Added a little more to the Caroline Questline (Trust must be 20 or higher. Mood must be 15 or higher.). -Caroline now gains lust during her cafeteria introduction. -Fixed wrong Spell UI showing up when cancelling Aspect spells. -Fixed wrong Spell UI showing up during Bodyswap under certain conditions. -Fixed wrong Spell UI showing up when attempting to cast Soul Passenger without a Soul Link Target. -Fixed Julia’s Room not displaying Night background. -Fixed the Woods’ Den not displaying Night background. -Fixed Julia’s Missing Freckles during her sex scene. -Fixed Caroline’s Stat box not disappearing correctly when she leaves her dorm.


-Fixed Min/Max values for stats not working properly. -Fixed some typos.


-Fixed typos -Fixed Mel and Julia not showing up during Olivia’s Soul Passenger. -Finished Julia’s visit. -Added a small event surrounding Blue Lightning and BlightFire: After Day 15 walk into the Hart Den as Jake at night. Cassandra must not be possessed.


v0.0.40.1a (Patreon Build)
-Added Compulsion/Dominate Mind sex with Olivia as Jake. -Finished Jake's UI portrait. -Finished Mel's UI portrait. -Finished Cassandra's UI portrait. -Finished Possessed Cassandra's UI portrait. -Finished the Aspect of Lust's UI portrait. -Redid Jake's character portrait. -Fixed Succubus stats not showing up properly in interaction menus. -Reworked some behind the scenes scripts for the 'Visit' events.


v0.0.39.1c (Patreon Build)
-Fixed getting locked out of your own room while playing as Jake when Julia shows up on Sunday while not at home. -Fixed incorrect Julia portrait being shown when napping wither when she visits. -Fixed succubus dialogue portrait showing up incorrectly during Julia's visit. -Fixed pregnant Julia portrait not displaying when she visits on Sunday.


-Changed mana cost of both "Affection" and "Bend Will" to 25. -Fixed Jake and Cassandra sex animation showing wrong time of day under certain conditions. -Fixed some stat values when using Soul Passenger on Cassandra and inviting Mel over. -Fixed "Cum" hotkey not working during Jake and Julia Sex scene. -Fixed compulsion sex with Cassandra showing glitched animation. -Fixed sex scene with Mel not loading correct background while playing as Cassandra. -Fixed Succubus Synergy resetting to 0 when having sex with Mel while playing as Cassandra.


-Fixed Julia's pregnant portrait appearance bug. -Fixed Julia's portrait not showing up correctly under certain scenarios during the Jake/Julia Sex scene. -Fixed Day/Night sorting during Jake/Julia Sex scene.


-Finished Jake/Julia Sex scene. -Added ability to impregnate Julia. -Added pregnant Julia portrait. -Fixed portraits displaying pregnancy incorrectly after loading a profile under certain conditions.


v0.0.36.1a (Patreon Build)
-Fixed a chunk of typos. -Fixed Animation swap script not loading the correct scene fast enough. -Fixed Succubus' dialogue portrait incorrectly showing up during Julia's visit. -Added animation speedup to Cassandra's Sex scene while playing as Jake while cumming. -Added animation speedup to Olivia's Sex scene while playing as Jake while cumming. -Added animation speedup to Cassandra's compulsion sex scene while playing as Jake while cumming. -Added additional scene to the "Make her leave" bad end while playing as Jake or Mel. -Lined and colored outside the Hart's home. -Finished most of of Cassandra's Soul Passenger Scenario.


v0.0.35.1b (Public Build)
-Fixed Olivia's Love stat resetting to 0 occasionally. -Fixed one of Cassandra's stats resetting to 0 occasionally. -Fixed softlock when asking succubus to leave.


v0.0.35.1a (Patreon Build)
-Added script to help organize Background Day/Night scenes. (Mainly to streamline the process for myself) -Added to script to help manage animation Day/Night and Pregnant/Not pregnant scenes. (Only tested with new Delve scene) -Added ability for Olivia to form a relationship with Mel while bodyswapped with her as opposed to only when in Soul Passenger -Added a few more pictures to Olivia's Delve Sex scene while playing as Jake. -Finished Olivia's Delve Sex scene while playing as Jake. -Lined and colored Olivia's Room. -Removed the old save/load functionality. -Streamlined how variables are handled between scenes. -Streamlined how the game handles Dialogue images when bodyswapping/possessing. -Added Date/Time display to Load Menu.


v0.0.34.1b (Patreon Build)
-Fixed Mel's lust gain not showing up when seducing him. -Fixed Softlock when telling Mel to leave during Cassandra's Soul Passenger scenes.


-Finished Olivia's Possession scene. -Finished Cassandra's Possession Scene. -Finished Olivia's Body swap scene. -Added Pregnancy variant scene to Cassandra's Body Swap. -Added some behind the scenes code to to streamline some of the cutscenes. Only applied to Body Swap and Possession Scenes. -Fixed succubus portrait incorrectly appearing during possession sequence. -Fixed UI not disabling during the possession sequence. -Fixed Succubus Dialogue portrait not updating correctly.


v0.0.33.1b (Patreon Build)
-Fixed Mel not appearing in Cassandra's room when sleeping early. -Fixed Delve targets showing wrong scene when giving birth. -Fixed Succubus stats saving incorrectly. -Fixed "Quit" button disappearing from main menu when clicking "Back".


-Redesigned talent tree's look. -Lined and colored Jake's Room. -Lined and colored the Hart Den. -Lined and colored Cassandra's Room. -Finished Cassandra's Body Swap scene. -Removed the "Sleeping" picture from Cassandra's Body Swap scene.


v0.0.32.1b (Public Build)
-Fixed Mel not appearing in Cassandra’s room after inviting him in. -Fixed Unholy Seducer not working properly. -Fixed sex scene with Succubus giving the wrong scene while playing as Cassandra while having Succubus Synergy at Rank 1


-Added a Schedule system(It's behind the scenes stuff to make it easier on myself to organize which characters appear in certain areas). -Fleshed out Olivia's Birthing Scene


-Fixed Softlock when going back to title screen to load a game. -Fixed EXP Salvage working incorrectly. -Fixed Save profile not displaying immediately after saving.


-Updated to current version of Unity (Unsure if this is good practice or not if it's mid project. Kept the old Unity version and project just in case). -Added an EXP bar to the main UI. -Changed the save system from PlayerPrefs based system to a Local file based system. Old save file is still functional just in case. I recommend trying to move over to the new save system as I'll be getting rid of the old system eventually. -Added New Save/Load buttons to the Main menu and Options Menu. -Added Sex scene with Possessed Olivia while playing as Cassandra.


-Added a new sex scene with Jake while playing as Mel. -Added a Mana bar to the main UI. -Added a Stamina bar to the main UI. -Added a Speed up during the animation right before orgasm during the Mel/Jake sex scene.



[collapse collapsed title=Game Information]

Available scenes: -As Jake -Sex with Cassandra -Compulsion Sex with Cassandra -Sex with "Olivia" -Command - Fuck Other on Cassandra -Spells can only be cast on Cassandra -Soul Passenger sex when cast on Cassandra -Sex with Olivia under Command - Delve Spell -Command - Fuck Other between Olivia and Cassandra while Olivia's under Command - Delve Spell -Make Cassandra Masturbate while she’s under the effects of Dominate Mind -Sex with Julia when she comes over on Sunday Night -No scenes with Mel yet​


-As Cassandra -Sex with Jake -Compulsion Sex with Jake -All spells work on Jake except Command: Fuck Other and Soul Passenger -No scenes with Olivia or Mel yet -Only Cassandra can become pregnant -Can send Aspect of Dominance to hunt sexual energy.​


Areas available: -The Hart’s residence -The school courtyard



Average: 4.1 (64 votes)

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Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.
R.A.D.'s picture
Joined: 14/02/2025

How the heck do I download the game?

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

speedran the sister

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Im getting a computer right this second...

HECU rates porn's picture
Joined: 11/08/2022





Music I added it to my playlist with the best songs

Gay/not gay






Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
Good game, good memory 
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
So, then, is this still an Adobe thing?
HECU rates porn's picture
Joined: 11/08/2022

No it's on unity

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Idk why but I cant download the game :C R.I.P. me 

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

how do u open it?


Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture
download keka
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

you need to download an application like 7zip to unpack the games files

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

will this be updated?


Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

is it safe game?

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I don't belive the unholy charisma spell works, I tried it with the sister and she didn't go up in lust