
Year: 2018
Censorship: No
Developer/Publisher: kanashiipanda
Platform: Windows/Mac/Linux
Version: v0.0.46.1b
Language: English
System requirements:
CPU: Pentium 4 2.0 GHz
RAM: 512 MB
HDD: 400 MB
You play as a guy who accidentally releases a succubus (with a bit of a catch) and gets access to both her and her spell book.
[collapse collapsed title=Changelog]
-Fixed Spell menu showing when summoning succubus in Caroline’s room. -Fixed Sex with Julia option not working after Caroline’s Cafeteria scene. -Fixed softlock when attempting to enter Caroline’s room in the afternoon just after meeting her in the cafeteria.
-Added Caroline to the Stats Screen -Added Julia Birthing scene -Finished News segment featuring BlightFire and BlueLightning. -Added a little more to the Caroline Questline (Trust must be 20 or higher. Mood must be 15 or higher.). -Caroline now gains lust during her cafeteria introduction. -Fixed wrong Spell UI showing up when cancelling Aspect spells. -Fixed wrong Spell UI showing up during Bodyswap under certain conditions. -Fixed wrong Spell UI showing up when attempting to cast Soul Passenger without a Soul Link Target. -Fixed Julia’s Room not displaying Night background. -Fixed the Woods’ Den not displaying Night background. -Fixed Julia’s Missing Freckles during her sex scene. -Fixed Caroline’s Stat box not disappearing correctly when she leaves her dorm.
-Fixed Min/Max values for stats not working properly. -Fixed some typos.
-Fixed typos -Fixed Mel and Julia not showing up during Olivia’s Soul Passenger. -Finished Julia’s visit. -Added a small event surrounding Blue Lightning and BlightFire: After Day 15 walk into the Hart Den as Jake at night. Cassandra must not be possessed.
v0.0.40.1a (Patreon Build)
-Added Compulsion/Dominate Mind sex with Olivia as Jake. -Finished Jake's UI portrait. -Finished Mel's UI portrait. -Finished Cassandra's UI portrait. -Finished Possessed Cassandra's UI portrait. -Finished the Aspect of Lust's UI portrait. -Redid Jake's character portrait. -Fixed Succubus stats not showing up properly in interaction menus. -Reworked some behind the scenes scripts for the 'Visit' events.
v0.0.39.1c (Patreon Build)
-Fixed getting locked out of your own room while playing as Jake when Julia shows up on Sunday while not at home. -Fixed incorrect Julia portrait being shown when napping wither when she visits. -Fixed succubus dialogue portrait showing up incorrectly during Julia's visit. -Fixed pregnant Julia portrait not displaying when she visits on Sunday.
-Changed mana cost of both "Affection" and "Bend Will" to 25. -Fixed Jake and Cassandra sex animation showing wrong time of day under certain conditions. -Fixed some stat values when using Soul Passenger on Cassandra and inviting Mel over. -Fixed "Cum" hotkey not working during Jake and Julia Sex scene. -Fixed compulsion sex with Cassandra showing glitched animation. -Fixed sex scene with Mel not loading correct background while playing as Cassandra. -Fixed Succubus Synergy resetting to 0 when having sex with Mel while playing as Cassandra.
-Fixed Julia's pregnant portrait appearance bug. -Fixed Julia's portrait not showing up correctly under certain scenarios during the Jake/Julia Sex scene. -Fixed Day/Night sorting during Jake/Julia Sex scene.
-Finished Jake/Julia Sex scene. -Added ability to impregnate Julia. -Added pregnant Julia portrait. -Fixed portraits displaying pregnancy incorrectly after loading a profile under certain conditions.
v0.0.36.1a (Patreon Build)
-Fixed a chunk of typos. -Fixed Animation swap script not loading the correct scene fast enough. -Fixed Succubus' dialogue portrait incorrectly showing up during Julia's visit. -Added animation speedup to Cassandra's Sex scene while playing as Jake while cumming. -Added animation speedup to Olivia's Sex scene while playing as Jake while cumming. -Added animation speedup to Cassandra's compulsion sex scene while playing as Jake while cumming. -Added additional scene to the "Make her leave" bad end while playing as Jake or Mel. -Lined and colored outside the Hart's home. -Finished most of of Cassandra's Soul Passenger Scenario.
v0.0.35.1b (Public Build)
-Fixed Olivia's Love stat resetting to 0 occasionally. -Fixed one of Cassandra's stats resetting to 0 occasionally. -Fixed softlock when asking succubus to leave.
v0.0.35.1a (Patreon Build)
-Added script to help organize Background Day/Night scenes. (Mainly to streamline the process for myself) -Added to script to help manage animation Day/Night and Pregnant/Not pregnant scenes. (Only tested with new Delve scene) -Added ability for Olivia to form a relationship with Mel while bodyswapped with her as opposed to only when in Soul Passenger -Added a few more pictures to Olivia's Delve Sex scene while playing as Jake. -Finished Olivia's Delve Sex scene while playing as Jake. -Lined and colored Olivia's Room. -Removed the old save/load functionality. -Streamlined how variables are handled between scenes. -Streamlined how the game handles Dialogue images when bodyswapping/possessing. -Added Date/Time display to Load Menu.
v0.0.34.1b (Patreon Build)
-Fixed Mel's lust gain not showing up when seducing him. -Fixed Softlock when telling Mel to leave during Cassandra's Soul Passenger scenes.
-Finished Olivia's Possession scene. -Finished Cassandra's Possession Scene. -Finished Olivia's Body swap scene. -Added Pregnancy variant scene to Cassandra's Body Swap. -Added some behind the scenes code to to streamline some of the cutscenes. Only applied to Body Swap and Possession Scenes. -Fixed succubus portrait incorrectly appearing during possession sequence. -Fixed UI not disabling during the possession sequence. -Fixed Succubus Dialogue portrait not updating correctly.
v0.0.33.1b (Patreon Build)
-Fixed Mel not appearing in Cassandra's room when sleeping early. -Fixed Delve targets showing wrong scene when giving birth. -Fixed Succubus stats saving incorrectly. -Fixed "Quit" button disappearing from main menu when clicking "Back".
-Redesigned talent tree's look. -Lined and colored Jake's Room. -Lined and colored the Hart Den. -Lined and colored Cassandra's Room. -Finished Cassandra's Body Swap scene. -Removed the "Sleeping" picture from Cassandra's Body Swap scene.
v0.0.32.1b (Public Build)
-Fixed Mel not appearing in Cassandra’s room after inviting him in. -Fixed Unholy Seducer not working properly. -Fixed sex scene with Succubus giving the wrong scene while playing as Cassandra while having Succubus Synergy at Rank 1
-Added a Schedule system(It's behind the scenes stuff to make it easier on myself to organize which characters appear in certain areas). -Fleshed out Olivia's Birthing Scene
-Fixed Softlock when going back to title screen to load a game. -Fixed EXP Salvage working incorrectly. -Fixed Save profile not displaying immediately after saving.
-Updated to current version of Unity (Unsure if this is good practice or not if it's mid project. Kept the old Unity version and project just in case). -Added an EXP bar to the main UI. -Changed the save system from PlayerPrefs based system to a Local file based system. Old save file is still functional just in case. I recommend trying to move over to the new save system as I'll be getting rid of the old system eventually. -Added New Save/Load buttons to the Main menu and Options Menu. -Added Sex scene with Possessed Olivia while playing as Cassandra.
-Added a new sex scene with Jake while playing as Mel. -Added a Mana bar to the main UI. -Added a Stamina bar to the main UI. -Added a Speed up during the animation right before orgasm during the Mel/Jake sex scene.
[collapse collapsed title=Game Information]
Available scenes: -As Jake -Sex with Cassandra -Compulsion Sex with Cassandra -Sex with "Olivia" -Command - Fuck Other on Cassandra -Spells can only be cast on Cassandra -Soul Passenger sex when cast on Cassandra -Sex with Olivia under Command - Delve Spell -Command - Fuck Other between Olivia and Cassandra while Olivia's under Command - Delve Spell -Make Cassandra Masturbate while she’s under the effects of Dominate Mind -Sex with Julia when she comes over on Sunday Night -No scenes with Mel yet
-As Cassandra -Sex with Jake -Compulsion Sex with Jake -All spells work on Jake except Command: Fuck Other and Soul Passenger -No scenes with Olivia or Mel yet -Only Cassandra can become pregnant -Can send Aspect of Dominance to hunt sexual energy.
Areas available: -The Hart’s residence -The school courtyard
Add new comment
How the heck do I download the game?
speedran the sister
Im getting a computer right this second...
Music I added it to my playlist with the best songs
Gay/not gay
No it's on unity
Idk why but I cant download the game :C R.I.P. me
how do u open it?
you need to download an application like 7zip to unpack the games files
will this be updated?
is it safe game?
I don't belive the unholy charisma spell works, I tried it with the sister and she didn't go up in lust