Year: 2019
Censorship: No
Developer/Publisher: beWilder
Platform: Windows/Mac/Linux
Version: v0.12
Language: English
System requirements: CPU: Intel Pentium IV (2.0 GHz) / AMD Athlon XP 2200+
RAM: 512 MB
DirectX: 8.1
HDD: 2,5 GB
Misadventures of Agent Romanov is the first game of the Agents of Heels series, an Adult Interactive Fiction Visual Novel designed in Comic format.
We are aiming to combine the best of the narrative games (accurate descriptions and immersive dialogs where the user can choose between different paths), RPG’s (stat management, inventory, branches, etc.) and Comics (full-screen, beautiful renders, re-readable vignettes, etc.). The main character for this volume is Agent Romanov, a lovely red-headed spy that takes part in risky missions with lots of action. You will have to struggle against a menacing alien force, an army from an evil corporation, inside conspiracies, and villains that won’t make your life easy. In all those situations, you will have to decide which path you want to follow: Do you want to be the Hero that saves the day, or the Villain with unorthodox methods… that still saves the day?
[collapse collapsed title=Changelog]
Content ⦁ Added a whole new day to the gameplay once again! ⦁ Added 3 full new scenes (technically 4). 1 Main Story scene with Good and Corrupt Nat text variants plus a completely unique Bad Nat path. 2 Side Event scenes in the Good and Corrupt Nat’s Cat/Subject32 event line, bringing that side story into line with the Bad Path and nearing conclusion. *1 Main story scene with Scout, where the duo infiltrate/assault the Maeda Cartel’s warehouse as per Miller’s orders. New info, and more, are revealed to the team and the player. Comes with 2 distinct and unique paths, the Good and Corrupt side having their own variants while Bad side has its own pathway. *First Cat/Subject 32 Side Event scene, where Nat and Cat join forces and gear up for the counter hunt of their target. This scene marks an important development in their relationship and future beWilderverse events. This scene contains extensive environmental modelling and design we plan on keeping. *A second Cat/Subject 32 Side Event scene, where Nat and Cat work together to catch or kill their target. Depending on choices and stats, characters can cause outcomes similar to the Bad Nat path version, as well as cause x-rated results. Be on your toes if you don’t like that kind of content, it is avoidable if you pay attention! ⦁ A new permanent outfit for Cat: Agency Cat Suit, to replace her Homemade Cat Suit in certain paths. ⦁ 85 new CGs, 20,000+ new words of Text and Dialogue.
Nat is back and bolder than ever! Her 11th full version is up and out, and with it comes plenty of action! Mission #2 is all wrapped up, and the power returns to the player after they’ve been through the consequences of their behaviour with Scout… But remember, it’s Miller who holds all the cards! Be ready to hear some long awaited explaining, right from the General’s mouth. Plus, we can’t be all serious and not then relieve the tension right? We’ve got just the girl for the job, as Kate returns at long last, after more than a year in the waiting… and she has a little something for all our fans to enjoy, all of them we say! Hoorah, another awesome release is here and with it a big check mark!
Bug fixes
v0.10.5 Engine Update Special
- Content Since this was an Engine specific update, there is no completely new content, instead we have improved previous scenes. ⦁ The early scenes in the game, specifically the opening “Mall Chase” and “Morning with Mark” have been completely redone by Spook. These scenes and their paths are now updated to fit the improved style of writing in the latter sections of the games, as well as clean up prickly wordings. The content is still the same, the game’s early story hasn’t changed. - Features ⦁ New “Infinite Save System”! Now you are no longer tied to 7 slots, you can have as many saves as you like! Make as many stops along Nat’s 3 distinct and perilous paths, grab a checkpoint before any unspeakable act you desire or take a trip down memory lane to pick up on any plot points you might have been too giddy for the first time! ⦁ UI Update! The Save/Load UI has been whipped into shape! It’s now as tight as a certain Red Head’s rock-hard ass! With these improvements you can now see more info about each SaveSlot, including Nat’s Stats, Important Story/Mission data and the Save Location too. Now there’s no guessing as to what you’re getting with each slot! ⦁ Inbuilt Save Explorer! You can now find and facilitate any and all Save data from directly within the game. No more messing around in your file systems pregame to find your past progress, with this new feature you’ll be able to find, move and load your saves between versions from anywhere on your computer while you are knee deep in the beWilderverse! A heads up though, this can only be done while in the main menu, and individual saves can be imported as many times as you want so do be careful not to overload the same files needlessly…. It may get messy in your file folders.
- Content ⦁ Added a whole new day to the gameplay! ⦁ Added Good and Corrupt Playable Mission 2 Scenarios (with Bad Path to come) Currently 2 massive scenes, each a distinct playable path that intertwines and crossovers at points, essentially making it 6 scenes joined together. These scenes come complete with both Text and CG variants. More still to come with the Bad Path. ⦁ 101 new CGs, 24,000 new words of Text and Dialogue. Again, more to come with Bad Path. Plus more to some soon. ⦁ 3 new temporary outfits for Natasha: Agency Issued Wetsuit, Sneaking Bathing Suit, and Entertainer’s Body Suit ‘The Rose ⦁ 1 new temporary outfit for Annette: Oriental Administrator. ⦁ 1 new character: Maeda’s Private Hooker #1 ⦁ 2 new locations: Mayor’s Luxury Yacht and New York Bay Pier (Restricted) ⦁ New Major Props. Highlights include new weapons for Nat, special lock boxes, helicopter and much more. ⦁ New major special effects including Liquid Dynamics, Heat Effects, Electrical Discharge effects, Fire Effects, Ballistic Dynamics and Floral Effects. - Features ⦁ Fully complete Mission #2 playthroughs for Good and Corrupt Paths. Players can start the mission in 2 distinctly different ways based on past playing choices, and end in one of 3 distinct ways depending on choices taken and crossover of paths. More to come with Bad Path additions. ⦁ One last chance to shape Natasha’s main character traits and path, depending on choices and actions taken. This Mission will let you change paths, and it will likely be the last time you can easily do so before the ending, so make your choices carefully. To that intent, there are not conditions or skill checks in this mission, so the choice is left entirely to your judgement. ⦁ Serious consequences and outcomes for all characters involved in Mission #2 including permanent effects that may persist throughout the remainder of the game and in the beWilderverse as a whole, not to mention on Natasha.
- Community Feedback ⦁ We did some fan requested clean up of older scenes and some minor engine tinkering that will allow us some to add in some key engine feature later on when we have time for a proper ‘engine orientated update’ (likely at the end of the game’s production and content creation). This is really work that will go unseen in this version, but it will allow for easier typo fixes later on (again when we have time and an update that’s not already 24k-42 words) as well as whole early scene rewrites and better transition effect speeds. Thanks to the playability feedback from a lot of people for this!
- Known Issues ⦁ If you have not completed the v0.8 Scene involving Ivy and the Files by the time you try and start Mission #2 by Day 11, it will play instead. If you don’t hit the bright yellow button on screen at that point you will miss Mission #2 altogether. We aim to fix this by the full v0.10 release ⦁ As mentioned last version, some of the new scenes that have important distinctions / variants based on Mission #1 outcomes, are inaccessible due to pathing restrictions if you are loading a save in which you completed Mission #1 in a version before v0.7. Loading a save pre-mission #1 and continuing play from there should resolve this issue… and saves already loaded before and played through in v0.7 should be unaffected. This should be the last time we need to post this reminder as the public build as passed out this milestone now.
- Content ⦁ Added a whole new day to the gameplay! +1 Time you get to spend telling our Nat what to do! ⦁ 2 new Story related scenes, one with variants for both Low and Level 2 Infection/Corruption Nat 1 Scene directly after the files with Ivy, as Nat turns to Miller for answers. Things don’t go as planned right from the start! ]1 Scene to follow up on Scout’s last, where Good Nat can pick up where they left off and seal the deal. Also gives some closure on the Mark investigation! ⦁ Cat’s sub-plot event line with Bad Nat continues… and this one is something else. It will one way or another (depending on your choices), bring Bad Nat/Cat/Monster to a head, and will cement some lasting consequences for this game, and if we can at all make it so, further games to come. ⦁ 1 new repeatable event to increase INT, where Nat and Scout can attempt to study the files for clues on what to do next. ⦁ Typos and important text fix ups to important v0.8 Scenes. Thanks to Dunlop for pointing out a key issue here. - Features ⦁ A sub-eventline comes to a head in this version, and so serious long-term (possibly even multi-game reaching) consequences will be had going forward. We warned you! ⦁ We fixed issues with the short Car drop off scenes added in v0.8. The proper base Infection level (previous referred to Corruption level 1) now play the correct texts, while the Infection level 2 (previously Corruption level 2) now plays the correct images! The scene should no longer play again after choosing an increased infection if you had the car delivered previously! ⦁ A new simple repeatable activity scene is available from this version on. It involves Scout and Nat reviewing files for clues. For now, this simply gives addition character INT, but will be used as the basis for unlocking future story scenes later. - Community Feedback ⦁ Thanks to reports from Dunlop, we’ve fixed texts in the Scout’s Stole Files scene (also known as the Scout 69 scene) from v0.8, where Bad Nat uses texts from Corrupt Nat’s path towards the end. It now means she doesn’t wrongly make mention of Miller not being disappeared. He’s still gone! Thanks for the hand buddy! ⦁ We cleaned up a pesky typo in the very first scene, that has plagued us too long. Those early pre-Mission 1 scene will be rewritten eventually for consistency sake, but at least for now your intro to the game should be all the nicer! - Known Issues ⦁ Notice that massive drop in file size from the last version? We have a reason for that! Unity has a major platform problem when dealing with textures that total a size over 4GB, and so in order to keep the game playable (we mean that seriously) we had to decrease the quality / increase the compression on image from Full HD to simply HD, thereby saving us about 50% or more depending on the image. We suspect this will have little impact on the CGs actual quality (in fact we know because we did something similar to NTR last month and nobody noticed), and our testing on a 2K monitor agrees with us (Unshi's a picky prick at times), so have no fear. We just thought we’d be upfront about this as it will mean some serious unsuspected engine work may be needed before future versions drop! Thanks for the patience and understanding! ⦁ As mentioned last version, some of the new scenes that have important distinctions / variants based on Mission #1 outcomes, are inaccessible due to pathing restrictions if you are loading a save in which you completed Mission #1 in a version before v0.7. Loading a save pre-mission #1 and continuing play from there should resolve this issue… and saves already loaded before and played through in v0.7 should be unaffected. We’ve added a save from Spook’s own fanboy playthrough that should work as it’s from v0.4. We’ve called it SaveSlot7 so you don’t overwrite it with your old ones. Hope that helps you get to the nasty without much difficulty. And there we have it! We’re closing in on the big v0.10, but v0.9 has been quite an accomplishment in its own. We are getting into the tender and juicy meat of what’s going on in the shadowy underworld behind Nat’s everyday life, and we know she has some kind of part to play in it all, but what? Possibly most important of all, we now have Nat having the ultimate good time, so we’re going to keep pounding her hard until the end for sure! Soon though… soon… as in a few days we’ll be back to Philly to see if we can’t get Noemi to catch up a little on Nat as her v0.3 will be ready to drop! Enjoy what we’ve got here everyone, as we go make plenty more beWilderverse happen and get on top of Nat once more in v0.10!
- Content ⦁ Added 1 more day to the gameplay! ⦁ 2 new Story related scenes, both with variants! 1 Scene following Scout’s behind the scenes activity, with Good/Bad/Corrupt variants… and a particularly rewarding unfolding for the good girl players! 1 Scene after Scout’s scene, pushing forward the underlying story. Nat gets her hands on some important files. ⦁ Cat’s sub-plot event line continuous with two new scenes, 1 for the Good/Corrupt path (with variants for both) and a unique scene for the Bad path. ⦁ 2 new short utility scenes involving Nat’s new agency car. 1 for Uncorrupted and 1 for Level 2+ Corruption/Infection Nat. This will undo the need for the Subway scene to play at the first travel of each day. ⦁ Typos and important text fix ups to all v0.7 Scenes. - Features ⦁ Cat is now an interactable character on the map, similar to Miller in Mission #1 among other characters. Her side event-line is now accessible after her Night Visit scene in this way. ⦁ New temporary outfit for Nat, ‘Open Shirt and Panties’ home wear. - Community Feedback ⦁ Fixed reported bugs in the portrait system, specifically fixed a broken reference to Kate’s portrait in her Low Infection level Nat shopping scene. Thanks to several people for this one! ⦁ Fixed misdirected links in the Patreon button, clicking will now send you to the actual beWilder page rather than the old Agents of Heels page. ⦁ Fixed the unintended repetition of the Subway teasing scene on the first travel of each day. Replaced it with the appropriate short car scene as listed above. Thanks to Astro55 for the heads up! - Known Issues ⦁ As mentioned last version, some of the new scenes that have important distinctions / variants based on Mission #1 outcomes, are inaccessible due to pathing restrictions if you are loading a save in which you completed Mission #1 in a version before v0.7. Loading a save pre-mission #1 and continuing play from there should resolve this issue… and saves already loaded before and played through in v0.7 should be unaffected. We’ve added a save from Spook’s own fanboy playthrough that should work as it’s from v0.4. We’ve called it SaveSlot7 so you don’t overwrite it with your old ones. Hope that helps you get to the nasty without much difficulty. And that’s it! v0.8 has been one of the best updated we’ve had yet, and we enjoyed making it so very much. We’re digging into the bedrock of the story now and we’re getting down and dirty on the sexy front even more too! Stick around because if you like this, you gonna really love what we have in store for her v0.9 coming up in just a few short days! Enjoy!
- New Madea Scene if you are captured - New Madea scene if you kill the prisoner (placeholder - more to come it would appear) - New Park Run Scenes (first new outfit, then further scene) - New Catwoman scene Nat is back in town and her story continues! Not only that but Cat’s own subplot kicks off, debuting our inter-character relationship system with her varying reactions and demand of Nat… we got some Bad Nat action too and some fun in the park… some good fun! Daring fans will get their hands on her next, just a few weeks away from now, but the Adventurous and Pure Wild are surely busy with her now! She’s just getting start though, she’ll be around all month and we’ll see more of her in July too… for now lets enjoy her latest escapades!
v0.6.1 Hotfix
- Fixed Mei's club corruption path - Added SplashScreen
- Major Changes As many of you already know, this new version is written by the magnificent english native speaker Spook2099. I'm sure you'll love his fluency and richness with the language while keeping the pervyness I got you used to. - Content ⦁ Added 1 more day for gameplay ⦁ Mission1 Completion and rewards Added two very extensive scenes that should help clarify what's what in AoH and throw a bit of light in darker places. Weather you got Mission1 flawlessly or you got yourself in trouble for your clumsiness, you'll find out how it unfolds. ⦁ 1 additional Scene with Kate Progressing with Kate's path as you all ask for her. Find out what that kinky little girl has in store for Nat this time. - Features ⦁ New temporary outfit for Nat ⦁ New cool characters (spoilers) ⦁ New environtment (spoilers)
Public Version -Fixed Kate’s path to be sorted properly -Reshaped the UI to accept both 2K and Full-HD images with no known issues on any device. Standard Version -Added 1 more day for gameplay -Mission 1 has been developed and added. Missions are where your decisions will matter the most; so be careful with what you choose. Depending on your paths it may lead to completely different results in short and long term. First mission already has quite some pathing with 4 different endings. -Achievement system has been implemented and added. Now that your decisions matter we need something to track those results. Achievements will be the major changes Romanov suffers during the game. For now, Corruption Path has been added as achievement; but more will follow. -Portraits for Catwoman have been added to the pool. -A bunch of portraits for Romanov in her sexy suit have been added to the pool with a total of 201 already. Exclusive Version -Kate has been added as an interactable character by the pool. You all asked for her to be more “involved” so I deliver. -Added 2 additional scenes with Kate as co-pilot. You’ll have the chance to establish a first contact with the younger wilder side of Romanov. Heroes and Villains Version -Characters Tryouts - 4 images -Clothing Tryouts - 4 Images -Concept Art - 7 HD ConceptArts
· Character Actions implemented. There are now characters around the map which you can interact with (only General Miller for now). They may have scenes or duties available. · Duties System. Characters may now have the possibility to give duties to the character. Once a duty is accepted a new forced action will appear on the map which must be completely in order to advance. · Message System. There’s now a prompt message system for the game to give relevant information to the player when needed. · New Scenarios: Gents Club, Agency Penthouse. · New Character: Tatsuro Maeda, Cat and a bunch of secondary ones. - Content · Day3 and Day4 are now playable. · A whole bunch of new scenes. · New outfits for Nat · New additional branching system - Features · Conditioned Decisions. Decisions during the game may now be conditioned to circumstances. For now only one has been implemented and it is stat based, but the system allows for branching, characters met, scenes seen, etc. · Corruption path unlocked. Depending on your decisions you may be prompted with the possibility to start the corruption path. It’s not mandatory nor conditioning, you will be asked every morning as long as you meet the requirements for it. If you decide to follow it you’ll stick with it until requirements for another path are met (not yet implemented). - Community Feedback · Save Date has been added to identify save files · Characters and Duties have now a GUI much more similar to the rest of the gameplay. They show only the active scene or duty at the moment instead of the whole list.
- Additional Content: (HEROES & VILLAINS) · 3 Concept Arts · 7 Tryout-outfits images · 4 WiP images · All AoH names textfile - General · STATS SYSTEM implemented. Game has now a Stat System which will allow you to customize your character and take decisions accordingly. Some already existing scenes have new stats values associated. · One IDLE scene for every situation. Every repeatable action has now an “idle” scene which will pop-up if no further events have been found on that section. · Action EVENTS become now EXCLUSIVE version. Now that the scenes are repeatable and no content is lost, events such as meeting Tim’s Granddaughter become Exclusive Version or higher. · New Scenario: Park’s northern part. · New Actions: Stretch and Flex at Home; Jog at the Park. · New Character: Kate Johnson: Tim’s Granddaughter. - Content · Day2 (after infection) has been added. Romanov has finally a day to spare on her name. Use it wisely. · A whole bunch of new scenes. · A completely new set of portraits. Kate is a completely different character (in terms of attitude) than the rest so I decided to make her portraits from scratch. - Features · Complete rework on Scene Selection. There’s now a priority system that will select any available event or scene on a given situation. · Character Swap. Dialogs now have the possibility of swapping the character telling the story into a secondary one. · New stat menu accessible via the “escape” menu. · Stats GUI. A small popup will show the stats gained every time there is a change in that regard. - Community Feedback · Action Icons size increased to have better visibility over some areas - Relevant Information · SaveFiles from previous version should be pasted in the root folder of this one for them to work.
1 - Extract to desired location. 2 - Click on "AgentsOfHeels.exe" to start playing.
Add new comment
Don't think it's that big I think we will get to meet And a lot to say it will get done at noon today is that the one you will be able hi to you and your family I can help in hi I am a sexy I love the way it is that I have no idea why I don't like you and me will
i have dowloaded it but how do i run it
how do you even play?
She is not agent anymore
nice ass there
the links arent showing for me anyone know why?
I'm here for the people jst scrolled down to fix find out that black widows boobs are not shown;)
Yeah, it hasn't shown up, but i'll search for it.
the download links arent working or they just dont show up
yo the dowload links arent working for m
I always wonder how Agent Romanov's body looks like under her leather suit
Thank You
Same bro
I got an unexpected End of Archive using WinRar
Same. Has there been any fix to this?