РусскийUser descriptions:
Volleyball player gets distracted by the view of a guy (I looked at the official andava website and it states that he is a guy) sucking off a dude in the middle of the match, making her miss the ball and letting the other team score, losing the match. Her boyfriend carries her home, and thinks of a couple ways to distract her from the loss. She ends up power-bottoming him towards the end.
Anonymous (not verified)
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Story could be better but everything else is good
That schnozer though
The website encountered a unexpected error.
The website is an unexpected error!
Well not the first time I've heard that. Pretty sure I could have also just squinted a bit with my eyes and I would have seen that.
Are you sassing me?!
Noooooo, why would I?
You tell me! That's why my damn boss likes you so much!
Your Boss?... Right weren't you the one who like asked a bunch of questions to almost everyone that was active 6-7 months ago?
Smart man! Yes that was me! In work mode of course.
Well I didn't quite recognize you because of your different appearance.
Yes, I figured I would do a little something for this month. Even if it isn't a whole lot.
Well I do not quite remember your previous attire but yeah this is definitely different.
it was very generic street wear with head phones
Y'know, this site is the product of a bunch of different unexpected errors
Youre name is sus
Yeah probably.
It's like a game filled with bugs that's unexpectedly good
Well not all is good but yeah I partly agree on that.
Good I guess?
Finally something good even tho I already had read it once before a couple of years prior it still was good.
This is so normal that its kinda weird. Not bad tho
Not a bad comic at all something normal for once
oh hey it is actually fine