"dont pop a boner, dont pop a boner" *gets a boner* 😂 HOW THE HELL DO YOU SENSE A BONER!? "ugh... busted" "this is gonna be BRUTAL" HAH! "just shut up and fuck me" ". . ." "YES MA'AM!" bro the COURAGE! why'd he half to rip the suit? WHY DO THEY ALWAYS RIP THE CLOTHES!? THAT WAS A PERFECTLY GOOD SUIT! 😂😫
1: I refuse to believe in any universe that the amount of hair on miles head can be contain in his mask without grotesquely misshapen appearance as a result
2: The color palette makes it very confusing to see miles as a whole, half the time I still thought he was wearing his suit
3: The spidersense is selective for some reason like those retarded ass Tom Holland movies
4: These issues somehow made me irritated enough to post a review on a fucking piece of pornography
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It was both provocative and funny💦😂
"dont pop a boner, dont pop a boner" *gets a boner* 😂 HOW THE HELL DO YOU SENSE A BONER!? "ugh... busted" "this is gonna be BRUTAL" HAH! "just shut up and fuck me" ". . ." "YES MA'AM!" bro the COURAGE! why'd he half to rip the suit? WHY DO THEY ALWAYS RIP THE CLOTHES!? THAT WAS A PERFECTLY GOOD SUIT! 😂😫
cứt chó
Why'd they make him zesty tho?
Good art (even if everything is blue), Good "Story, Not too short or long.
No quiero ser racista, pero Miles es negro 😭
Why are the masks eyes circles and not a tear drop?
Probably just the artist's artstyle.
If you flex your thighs, you can prevent an erection
dude... what?
Thanks for the tip
what a waste of money ripping the suits 0/10
A few grievances I must air
1: I refuse to believe in any universe that the amount of hair on miles head can be contain in his mask without grotesquely misshapen appearance as a result
2: The color palette makes it very confusing to see miles as a whole, half the time I still thought he was wearing his suit
3: The spidersense is selective for some reason like those retarded ass Tom Holland movies
4: These issues somehow made me irritated enough to post a review on a fucking piece of pornography
also, you cant be the real mark right? probably not. anybody can take any name. but if it is. hi.
wxactly. "spooderman"
His hair is stored in hammer space as explained in the most recent Spiderverse movie just like Spiderham's props.
So her spider sense worked to notice his boner, but not to stop her from swinging into a billboard???
His dick posed more of a threat than the billboard obviously
Why is everything blue??
walter is that you
Fire bro. Invincible is one of my favorites.
this goes hard
this made me watch invincible, top teir tv show, and comic book
One word. H A L A L
My god stop ripping those suits. It's not worth it 😭