Author: PalcomixSection: Sonic the HedgehogSwitch to alternative gallery Characters: Blaze the CatTags: FurryOralSex and Magic Select ratingGive Taking the head 1/5Give Taking the head 2/5Give Taking the head 3/5Give Taking the head 4/5Give Taking the head 5/5 Average: 4.1 (41 votes) 57101 views Suggest tag Suggest description
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search up your name and add 'the hedgehog', see how fucked the sonic fandom was and is
Good OC there what his name p.s blaze is sexy
...what the fuck did I just read???
My braincells are 10 and dropping rapidly, now I have 1.
Oh god she's so horny!
OrIgInaL CharAcTeR Do NoT SteaL
Original character do not steal