Whats up with Lukes Mouth in the Middle Right of the Last Panel, it looks like it was originally going to be facing Forward but they changed it to the Visible Smile
All the characters have the same face, Han Solo's mouth isn't where his lips are, and Leia says she must go on the mission because Han and Luke are too recognisable, even though she is an actual princess and government official.
This comic actually sucks, even worse than this website usually does
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Whats up with Lukes Mouth in the Middle Right of the Last Panel, it looks like it was originally going to be facing Forward but they changed it to the Visible Smile
I just noticed this again on the First Page, what style does this Guy use
Total of 7 Times, their Mouth isn't aligned with the Drawn Lips in almost everytime a Head is viewed from the Side
you spelled star wars wrong
If only it wasn't incestous
What the fuck this is? Disgusted I am. A master I am or am not? Busted I have, disappointment I am
It seems you have fallen to the dark side, o masterful one. What a shame...
It seems I am also apart of the dark side now.
At least I've got Radiohead to soothe the pain my eyes are experiencing
Where is Gustaaf Verschraegen to condone the incest?
ive watched one star wars movie. is this lore accurate?
The incest partially is. Unfortunatelly
Gonna have to join the Dark Side to avoid this.
Still better than the sequels
Agreed on that one Count
I forgot it even existed lmaoo
no sex = bad >:(
Ya'll know what to do
that's alot of words, too bad i'm not reading them
I've never liked Star Wars.
0/10 didn't read
then why the fuck are you here
That's yung cement
NOT yung seme-
Main complaint is that this is incredibly annoying to read. I can look past weird proportions and the such but jeez I atleast want to see the story
All the characters have the same face, Han Solo's mouth isn't where his lips are, and Leia says she must go on the mission because Han and Luke are too recognisable, even though she is an actual princess and government official.
This comic actually sucks, even worse than this website usually does
Half an hour ago it was 26°C and sunny, 15 minutes ago it was 20°C and raining, now its 23°C and cloudy.
I fucking hate the low countries.