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Scruffy, The Janitor

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Ova's picture
Joined: 08/05/2021

The_Beheaded (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

scruff the janitor, best character

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

Man this art style is amazing

James The Destroyer of Powder Gangers's picture
Joined: 05/11/2022

Scruffy is the only employee of importance, the rest are just canon fodder. 

FupaHunter's picture
Joined: 09/06/2022

honestly, scruffy is the only character that makes sense, a ptsd riddled vet just trying to wallflower the rest of his existence to avoid real responsibility ever again

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

Scruffy the war hero

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

God tier comment

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

Gotta respect a man who knows his worth

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture


Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

Scruffy is a good dude

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

Scruffy is clearly the best character of the show.

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

Am.i the only one who finds this leela even MORE attractive?


Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

I do too.

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

Let's start a new Religion

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

scruffy for area 51

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

Scruffy is our lord and savior

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

Prrrrrr comment of the Comic:

Anonymous- scruffy is the lifeblood of the Company

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

Scruffy is the lifeblood of the company

Bystander (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

You gotta respect a man like Scruffy

Scruffy (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

Scruffy believes in this company.