Section: My Little Pony: Mini comicsSwitch to alternative gallery Characters: Shining ArmorPrincess Cadance Select ratingGive Royal pains 1/5Give Royal pains 2/5Give Royal pains 3/5Give Royal pains 4/5Give Royal pains 5/5 Average: 4.3 (42 votes) 131580 views Suggest tag Suggest description
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No hate, but this is so cursed
Nhìn cái mặt siêu hài hước
It's more like she's fucking him, still a 7/10
Wtf ?
Actually semen is stored in the testis also known as your balls pee is stored in your bladder
You're gonna be stored in the balls pretty soon if you don't stop over-analyzing porn
that is the most threatning non-sensical threat i've ever read
It is so threatning that it made me remember the nightmare fuel song that starts like: "pee is stored in the balls in the balls x2".
true that
I Thought The Heart Pumps Blood Bone Marrow Produces Blood
Nutsacks Produces Cum And The Bladder Produces Pee Pee
Magic or some shit?
If cum is stored in the balls then how he cum
No, that's pee, cum is stored in the heart