Gisteren heb ik een regendans gedaan maar hij heeft het verkeerde effect gehad. In plaats van meer regen is er vandaag minder. De regengoden hebben mij bedrogen.
can we all agree that monsoon is the worst boss in Metal Gear Revengeance, I've been playing the game recently and just got to his fight and i haven't even got to many attempts in and I already hate him
your pfp is hakos baelz, the chaos rat god, keyword rat, 100 percent furry confirmed
also if you ignore the extremely loud music he has one of the better songs in the game imo, which makes it bearable
I guess
honestly just be good, design wise the boss is fine smh my head
just cus it's difficult actual skill issue honestly, bae would be disappointed
+ you simply haven't embraced the MEMES yet
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De industriele maatschappij en zijn toekomst
Gisteren heb ik een regendans gedaan maar hij heeft het verkeerde effect gehad. In plaats van meer regen is er vandaag minder. De regengoden hebben mij bedrogen.
Yo anyone know any classic Minecraft songs
Ngl pigstep is een banger
Dit is geen geval van gras aanraken.
Mijn vriend, bent u bewust van het bestaan van gras?
I Like Multporn Because Its The Only Honest Place On The Internet.
yeah..about that
can we all agree that monsoon is the worst boss in Metal Gear Revengeance, I've been playing the game recently and just got to his fight and i haven't even got to many attempts in and I already hate him
i heard he's the easiest boos in the game
Monsoon isn't a boss as much as he is a parry check. His fight becomes trivial if you have EM grenades.
omfg thank you, finally got back to playing the game and i was able to beat his fight because of this
im gonna make sure i have as many as possible
I'm not a furry, since when have girls with animal parts been furry shit. also the only bearable part about his fight is the music
Im not a furry but I love Burgerkiss's art