this is sorta weird but I would argue that this is technicaly anthro. Not in the sense that the snake is like walking around on 2 legs but in the sense that she acts human in a way. anyways the only part that I found hot was the deepthroat cuz im into deepthroating but yeah otherwise all of this is a pass.
I feel like this should be a lot more disgusting than it is. Instead it's weirdly good. I think that just means the creator absolutely wasted their talent on it.
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Disgusting. Another waifu the gay community has taken from me.
Bruh, this is anything but gay
wtf are you talking about?
Honestly tho.
Not my proudest nut chat
is that a snake in his pants or is he just happy to see her?
All of the above
Death to mr beast
Unexpectedly not a bad comic
Atleast I can give props for making my boy Po hung like he is supposed to be
worst. furry comic. ever.
Why are you lying?
Profile pic made me gasp for air
this is sorta weird but I would argue that this is technicaly anthro. Not in the sense that the snake is like walking around on 2 legs but in the sense that she acts human in a way. anyways the only part that I found hot was the deepthroat cuz im into deepthroating but yeah otherwise all of this is a pass.
You what?
Taking "snake in my boot" little too serious here
you mean "boot in my snake"
I suppose
bro what
Y'all are fucking tweaking out we need to assemble to bomb this guy (along with paris)
Why the FUCK would anyone waste their art skills on THIS??? THE ART IS LITERALLY SO GOOD BUT THE SUBJECT?? COME ONNNNN
bro woah that is actually such an ethereal image nice
Thank you i appreciate it.
it apears my earlier comment was delted but amazing art
The fuck this look like a cene of Elden ring
I think you have a career of photography in your future. This is amazing.
Honestly fantastic photo, I think I might make it my new tablet background.
I feel like this should be a lot more disgusting than it is. Instead it's weirdly good. I think that just means the creator absolutely wasted their talent on it.