- Shade the Echidna
- Knuckles the Echidna
- Manic the Hedgehog
- Bunnie Rabbot
- Fiona Fox
- Tails Prower
- Shadow the Hedgehog
- Amy Rose
- Megan Acorn
- Elias Acorn
- Rouge the Bat
- Metal Sonic
- Marine the Raccoon
- Big the Cat
- Lien-da
- Silver the Hedgehog
- Sally Acorn
- Ash Mongoose
- Hershey Cat
- Jeffrey St. Croix
- Doctor Finitevus
- Tikal the Echidna
- Blaze the Cat
- Sonic the Hedgehog
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Why is everyone's d the same
And revenant
Metal is like furnace and mecha sonic
You do know furnace is just a taller metal sonic with a oven in him
Ok I'm gonna be honest I didn't like how Sikver was not with Blaze because Silver x Blaze is my favorite ship
Fuck off, bro. Sonaze is much better
the boys are so cute when they have a chick or dick with balls!
FBI should be knocking this door any minute now
LORDY those feet
*Amy Rose* Oh Shadow, you are so much sexier than Sonic.
Not true say sonic
What is this Pepe le pu bullshit on page 12?!
I love shadow and amy together
metal sonic x rouge my favirote and very underated ship
Metal sonic is a fucking robot for God sake! Robots don't have dicks!
I mean they can if you give it one
Sabe me gustaría el semen dentro de mi
Was that a... Sonic.exe referance?
Yoooo thwy have my boi Manic! Hes hot, but where is Mighty? They have Ray.
What's the name of the character that appears at page 13?
You mean the pale green gal? She's Clove the Pronghorn, a very underrated character.