no it isn't its second most spoken first is chinese with about 1.3 billion native speakers followed by Spanish with 460 million native speakers and then English with 370 million native speakers however it becomes number 2 if you count the non native speakers by about 200 million
First things first, there's exist no language in world called Chinese and to be frank calling the languages that Chinese speak Chinese is tad bit racist. There about 302 different langauges in China and only 980 million speak one, Mandarin, as a first langauge. meanwhile, English is the most spoken language in world with 1.5 billion total speakers because english is the langauge of business to the point most countries teach it as mandatory second language because more likely to encounter someone who has some knowledge of English than any other language in the world
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¿Có phải não tôi bé?
i live in spain without the a
You live in spin
correct sir
(i would've put a spinning gif here, but i cant get it to work right now)
I don't know what it's saying and the art is bad
Bro can't even spell beautiful
Me alegro de saber español
I only wish I could read this, the art is gorgeous and I can tell work went into this. Until then I will admire this and the artists work.
The shady individual
No sex this sucks
Dude, it's called plot, it will get there soon. Be patient.
Taco taco pedro drug cartels pequeño pene
Dude...i'm mexican and the orthography on this comic sucks xD
Everyone is complaining about the language, while i'm here wondering when the next pge is coming out.
Si señor smells like taco in here chicos
Yes friend me gusta school shooting, burger, guns cool me fat
We must do our best to preserve that my friend, let us build many a park to protect this.
People saying we are being racist preferring that the comic would be in English because it's the most spoken language on FUCKING EARTH
Leave it to Americans to think their shitty country is the entire planet.
I live in america and I agree with him...
no it isn't its second most spoken first is chinese with about 1.3 billion native speakers followed by Spanish with 460 million native speakers and then English with 370 million native speakers however it becomes number 2 if you count the non native speakers by about 200 million
First things first, there's exist no language in world called Chinese and to be frank calling the languages that Chinese speak Chinese is tad bit racist. There about 302 different langauges in China and only 980 million speak one, Mandarin, as a first langauge. meanwhile, English is the most spoken language in world with 1.5 billion total speakers because english is the langauge of business to the point most countries teach it as mandatory second language because more likely to encounter someone who has some knowledge of English than any other language in the world