Isn't Sadie about 20?
Consensual sex is allowed in some cases between 14 (rarely, but you read this porn comic and so did i) year olds (Connie and Steven) so Sadie coming into the sex that our two main charecters are having is grooming and molestation.
Lmao if you read this,i want you to know that this is a joke.
Yeah I hate to be THAT guy but like, stop and reflect on your life, your parents your siblings, looking at this stuff can't be good for you and you know it, get help. If not for you then at least for your loved ones
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sadie a short stack.. although they should make a" bee and puppycat " (netflix series) comic
Uh is this cheez pizza wtf? Bro 💀 idk
It's rare, but I found something I truly wouldn't even think of jerking too
I stopped myself...I can keep my dignity sometimes
No un-jerking will ever reverse my trauma from this comic
Not my proudest fap
Wtf did i just see, welp so much for curiosity damn it
Yhea but you don't
good fap session today
Yeah I hate to be THAT guy but like, stop and reflect on your life, your parents your siblings, looking at this stuff can't be good for you and you know it, get help. If not for you then at least for your loved ones
It's time for you to go sir
Well at least the art style is cute
Its fuckin' adorable.
Isnt sadie older than them
What in the name of Speedwagon is this
this is the SWF's secret stash of porn comics
Za warudo!