Section: My Little Pony: Friendship is MagicSwitch to alternative gallery Characters: Daring DoAhuizotlTags: OralPregnant Select ratingGive Daring Does Ahuizotl 1/5Give Daring Does Ahuizotl 2/5Give Daring Does Ahuizotl 3/5Give Daring Does Ahuizotl 4/5Give Daring Does Ahuizotl 5/5 Average: 4 (58 votes) 84959 views Suggest tag Suggest description
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Only two things are certain in life that is death , and fiyo commenting on everything
cut lon cua em
Desintegrate the atoms of that disgrace, i'm gonna puke if i see that for any longer
We need to burn that baby like we burned the Jews. HANS GET THE FLAMMENWERFER AND ZE GAS KLAMBER
Everything okay but the baby is a fuckin alien hahaha XD
See dispite being of two different species where fertilization would be next to impossible. We have this abomination
Aw what a little bundle of shit that baby is!
Quien hace los dibujos?
Omg otra pwrsona que habla español me sentia muy solo aqui con tanto norteamiericanos y europeos
And that's how E.T. has born
oh yeah thx for pointing that out
ok the end is a little woring