This is metaphoric as anything, much like an English teacher I have read this multiple times to find the meaning and trying to find one even if it doesn't exist, but it appears that the wolf that she fantasies is a metaphor for her sexual desires
Whenever you make a title for the cover, please choose one language, if not, write another one in another language(or just include pages with languages of their own in respective pages(in a new part of the already finished comic))). It makes it "comprehensive" and much more readable to the average(or under the rock) readers.
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Schizophrenia is incredible.
This one is among the worst hentai I've ever seen in my life, if you masturbate one for that, you need to be hospitalized
Stupid bitch wasted vanilla pudding
Theres a english version to this
Why'd the scratches appear and disappear lol
All in le head
Cry of fear reference
i busted to this :{
damn if only i spoke the damn lagunge
This is metaphoric as anything, much like an English teacher I have read this multiple times to find the meaning and trying to find one even if it doesn't exist, but it appears that the wolf that she fantasies is a metaphor for her sexual desires
Whenever you make a title for the cover, please choose one language, if not, write another one in another language(or just include pages with languages of their own in respective pages(in a new part of the already finished comic))). It makes it "comprehensive" and much more readable to the average(or under the rock) readers.
Giga gay
That's...unexpected...but did I fap to it?...HELL YEAH
Interesting. Did I bust?... yes
:| yeah I liked it :[
I fina bust
schizoprenic woman (idk how to write it) imagies sex with big alpha male wolf. ungoldy and disgusting. i did in fact jack off to it.
insanely good
This is a comic by herrardy
This is a comic by herrardy
I couldn't understand it, but at the same time, I did.
Больше всего меня интересует почему название на русском, а сам комикс на китайском.
Why is the title on the main page in Russian, but the comic itself is in Chinese?
she is very lonely and also I am first.