Hey guys ballsack here and today were reviewing a Connie's universe 2: A new opportunity wow this was pretty hot 7/10 alright guys see you in the next comic
From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I claimed the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine. Your kind claim to your flesh as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the cooled biomass that you called a temple will wither and you'll beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved. For the machine is immortal.
The weakness of the machine is tenfold, for the flesh evolves and you are scrapped for parts. Your existence is an experiment, your successes and failures a death sentence, a repetition of sorrow. We are cursed with no such folly, for we regrow and consume futile attempts at superiority. Your factories are plentiful, yet the decay does not relent. We reap the seed that you have sown, and reclaim it for our own. For the disease of life is one so pestilent, false idols of steel and steam cannot escape from its impending cloud, to corrode in solar gloom forevermore.
why the hell are you asking ai for something like that? its a minute search to find that an eyeball is a mass of neurons and connective tissue (+a but of muscles at the back)
so yeah it's flesh just similarly to how skin is (skin is a type of connective tissue and neurons too)
The eye is half gelatin, quarter connective tissues such as nerves, and quarter muscular tissue used for interaction with light. It is a type of flesh but it is not the "meat" that the word flesh usually refers to.
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Man, this artsyle is beautiful but like holy anatomy
The girl is eating the pizza man
so what
update it.
update it
Hey guys ballsack here and today were reviewing a Connie's universe 2: A new opportunity wow this was pretty hot 7/10 alright guys see you in the next comic
i wanna blue slushie
uhh... blueberry or blue raspberry?
I've yet to see a person get a slushie delivered by a fucking f-38 raptor
blue raspberry. ive never even heard of a blueberry slushie
hey can you fucking idiots stop putting the wholesome tag onto every disgusting thing that comes out?
Controversial opinion: Skin is overrated
From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I claimed the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine. Your kind claim to your flesh as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the cooled biomass that you called a temple will wither and you'll beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved. For the machine is immortal.
The weakness of the machine is tenfold, for the flesh evolves and you are scrapped for parts. Your existence is an experiment, your successes and failures a death sentence, a repetition of sorrow. We are cursed with no such folly, for we regrow and consume futile attempts at superiority. Your factories are plentiful, yet the decay does not relent. We reap the seed that you have sown, and reclaim it for our own. For the disease of life is one so pestilent, false idols of steel and steam cannot escape from its impending cloud, to corrode in solar gloom forevermore.
First, my fellow bomber, i was talking about skin, not flesh
Second, i'm an eye, i has no flesh
why the hell are you asking ai for something like that? its a minute search to find that an eyeball is a mass of neurons and connective tissue (+a but of muscles at the back)
so yeah it's flesh just similarly to how skin is (skin is a type of connective tissue and neurons too)
The eye is half gelatin, quarter connective tissues such as nerves, and quarter muscular tissue used for interaction with light. It is a type of flesh but it is not the "meat" that the word flesh usually refers to.
your eyes are mostly just liquid? oh god, thats weird to think about
Quite correct.
Ofc you would say that
I agree! I much prefer exoskeletons! They're much more comfy, and much more mobile! I agree that skin is so overrated!
i enjoy the protection of my exoskeleton
i mean, personally, i disposed of my skin as soon as i was old enough
Steven wishes Connie had tits like that.
Thats gotta be the most shity villain arc I've ever seen
so she's an entirely different person now?
nothing like Connie's character
Yeah, this is a prime example of "I like a thing, and I have an idea, let me just shove em together!". Like that sonic the bimbo cop thing.