Shaggy: Am I glad that he's frozen in there, and that we're out here, and that he's the sheriff, and that we're frozen out here, and that we're in there, and I just remembered! We're out here. What I wanna know is, where's the caveman?
He is so powerful he controls the volcano and prevents it from ending the world because it is afraid of him. he actually carved the cave out himself he built all the homes with his mind.
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Shaggy: Am I glad that he's frozen in there, and that we're out here, and that he's the sheriff, and that we're frozen out here, and that we're in there, and I just remembered! We're out here. What I wanna know is, where's the caveman?
Cant understand it.....are you upload the pictures in a very small format....?
Really wholesome
they found jesus
𝓝𝓾𝓱 𝓾𝓱
The site name is spelled wrong, it says Catpain and not Captain. The admins are complete and utter morons.
It's catpain because he makes that pussy hurt for the rest of the day
it happens to the best of us!
Stop shitting on one little mistake
You're fuckin with me right. It ends with a Flintstones civilization.
grrrr/... APLHA WOLF approves.... Fred Perry is an interesting artist...
Freddy where is the bumblebee and Charlie comic? Where are you hid-----oh shit.
I am now impure. I am no longer a worthy servant of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bro really got the top hat and said "top of the morning"
they never got to have that meal, huh
A masterpiece
He is so powerful he controls the volcano and prevents it from ending the world because it is afraid of him. he actually carved the cave out himself he built all the homes with his mind.
The torch is just a bird holding a candle LMAO
The fact that small candles are harder to make means the cave people went out of their way to put the bird (UNHAMED) in there somewhere
the umbrella is a just a dinosaur's skin flaps fred flintstone shit
Classic Flintstones tech.
Whaddya mean he's immortal?
how do you think he survived the ice, I wonder if they have thier own language or if its all just grunts and wails
You'd be surprised. The power of sheer UNGA BUNGA he radiates causes immortality in himself, as well as those he UNGA BUNGA's.
Fred Perry the goat back at it again
Ya know I'm just going to say it I fucking hate this art style
Kindly go fuck yourself
I disagree so I end this with a simple kys
Sadly your opinion is wrong
Fake Columbo