I know wy this is thing became scrambled. eggs, heres what happened:
Jay: Okay, time to post this comic
*presses button*
Instead of posting it, he pressed the button that scramble things up
Jay:Oh no this would take a whole ten mins to fux and i dont have time i have to post it now
*posts comic*Mission accomplished, crisis avertrd
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Lmao bro learned dick bending
Haha funny
Very creative
Xờ xài xẻo
I know wy this is thing became scrambled. eggs, heres what happened:
Jay: Okay, time to post this comic
*presses button*
Instead of posting it, he pressed the button that scramble things up
Jay:Oh no this would take a whole ten mins to fux and i dont have time i have to post it now
*posts comic*Mission accomplished, crisis avertrd
This comic was very likely ripped from the creator, so instead of blaming jay for it blame the multporn staff for being stupid.
Idk what the fuck I to read this it's all scrambled
All Avatar porn either seems really scrambled up bullshit or just fucking disgusting doo doo. I dont know what is
How to view
just to suffer
Some parts are better then other parts.
Heh, get fucked Saka.
this is a new low daniel
If I had a cock like that I'd make those whores scream non stop!!
Why the FAWK does azula have a dick