Found this one randomly. Surprisingly good. Dialogue is well written, and while I think the colors seem a little washed out, the art itself is quite good. Weird to just find something this good randomly like this. Probably never gonna get finished though, which is dissapointing.
Well i think she masturbate in front of the kids shes on telephon than start remember than masturbate the kids can if want see her on telephon so they also will be able to see the masturbation
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Rouge and gambit fr rn
Found this one randomly. Surprisingly good. Dialogue is well written, and while I think the colors seem a little washed out, the art itself is quite good. Weird to just find something this good randomly like this. Probably never gonna get finished though, which is dissapointing.
Cho 5 sao
That is FUCKING it I'm deploying FREDDY FAZBEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!
0/10 Scottish accents make me phallic.
nice more pages please:)
Sie brachte ihre Kinder in den Kindergarten wo sie bei lebendigem Leib von einer Schnecke gefressen und verdaut wurden.
Was zum fick LMAO hahahahahahahahaa
I dont think she did it in front of her kids, it looked like she was around the corner
the kads were with the aunt she was alone
Well i think she masturbate in front of the kids shes on telephon than start remember than masturbate the kids can if want see her on telephon so they also will be able to see the masturbation
As well as see her get raped.
Wtf language are you fucking speaking English motherfucker do you speak it
Scottish youfucking idiot
Scottish ye trippy wānker
Scottish ya twat!
You replied 3 times over just to make it look like people agreed with your shitty english lmao.
Did she do that in front of her kid?
No two different people. Her sister on the phone was babysitting the kids. That masturbating chick was somewhere else
Yes as well as get raped