I don't believe in any gods as well, but it can be quite fun to pretend my lifelong best friend is a god. Shout out to all longtime besties everywhere, thanks for putting up with our crazy bullshit!
I don't understand. All you have to do is admit you're a sinner, ask for forgiveness, and just strive to be a good person. He knows you're gonna screw up, and is willing to forgive. You just deny it because you want to play by your own rules.
From wha t i heard if you are good and you don't know or fully understand the message of the lord jesus christ you can still go up, but if you purposfully avoid the message, no matter how good you are, somethings wrong with you and you go to hell. The main difference between christians and unknowingngood people is that christians will get raptured and get to skip the horrors of the earth during the apocalypse while the rest of earth will have to endure the trials. This is why we must convert as many people as possible.
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well that escalated quickly
wtf did I just click on
She can't be a pet, her duties as a princess would need her more then some mans penis.
I'll ask the raped woman in my basement
Who was the one who cursed me to watch this shit. At least I'm not a shitty atheist who doesn't believe the lord exists.
I don't believe in any gods as well, but it can be quite fun to pretend my lifelong best friend is a god. Shout out to all longtime besties everywhere, thanks for putting up with our crazy bullshit!
Shut up you Christian fuck nobody gives a shit about your religion
shut the fuck up you big fat ass mother fucker
that was for the other guys comment
anwser: you. or if you prefer the"God has a plan for all of us" theory: God
It's funny that even in Christianity "god" still prefers good atheists than asshole Christians such as yourself. Also, why are you posting this here?